Good Twisted Tuesday Morning Gang!

Janine J.
on 8/25/08 6:31 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Okay true to I am in the middle of the night and this is me on taking something so I would sleep....perhaps I am sleep walkng....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2 Walking 2

Well at any rate....HAPPY TWISTED TUESDAY my fellow OH'ers and now it is only 3 days until we can all shout for FRIDAY!!!

How did a lot of you teachers do going back to school yesterday. I went into school myself, but it still was not contracted days for me yet. Those do not start for me until Thursday were we have to meet at get this...Fantasy Springs Casino. Now our union rep said to be yesterday...fine example for the students who are performing in the convocation....lets have them around gambling and drinking....PERFECT. We both agreed that it would be more appropriate to have had it at COD (our community college) or the McCallum Theater where it use to be held. We do not get the districts thinking...but when do we ever!  ROTFLI did spend the majority of the day working on the mural and doing various things to prepare to being organized and actually making a life size sketch for placement. Oh and the scary thing....I had to solve somethings mathematically..using algebra no less for some of the placement. I do scare myself sometimes. It all felt good and as I told the principal who gave me the job, I wish I was more patient because I want to start installation now and that is not possible (too much prep involved).

Today I have to go and assist the new little 6th graders in orientation. I like to see the fear in their eyes even though they will not be in my classes until next year!

So did you all have a great Monday?

Kim aka Madame did your first day of work go? I know you had to be seriously fatigued when you got home and I am sure miserably swollen too. However did your co-workers just flip out at how good you look? I surely would have loved to see their reactions to the new and improved Barbie!!!!

KimGirl and Tim....hope your day was not too bad considering you had such a fun weekend and I know you both had to be exhausted going back to work yesterday. I bet you both crashed hard last night and are sleeping like logs for sure! Kim I just have to say thanks again for a great're a great host. Your cousin is awesome...invite her to more things! I know Tim is going to have great support from you when he has his will be the wl super rock star team!!! YAY!!!! Bounce 

Janel I hope that you are doing well and that you were able to get some stitches and drains out....that is the real icky part. I think it is so cool that your church people are pulling together for you in your time of need and taking care of you. That is just awesome!

Monica how did your first day back go? Did your mom get back in okay? I know you are lucky to have your mom taking care of Jordyn instead of having to rely on a stranger. Jordyn is always going to have this super great bonding with her grammy!

Sue....I loved your pics from Boise....I know how special that was. How are your teeth free for a while now? I hope so. I have to go later today for a cleaning...oh boy! In general, how are you feeling? Give Miss Sammi a big kissy for me!

Steve you cannot imagine HOT and HUMID like we had here yesterday. It was super off the hook. So bad that when I was unloading and loading the kiln (it was cooled off too) that I was sweating so profusely that I had to have a towel to keep the sweat out of my eyes. I felt like I was going to pass out it was that bad. I craved salt the rest of the day and surely drank a lot of fluid! We started off early in the morning with a 70 degree dew point! YIKES and YUCK!!!! Hope it was better out in SBD. Hey Scott is coming to the coffee with me....I think Kim is too....really look forward to seeing you and D!

Liz how did the custom fit go? Were you able to ride in spite of being sick? YOu are such a trooper....and btw....I am going to go and buy a crockpot and make that recipe...sounds super dang yummy....yummy enough to buy a crackpot...hehehheeheh can  you believe I do not have one! I am really anxious to hear about your bike ride to Ventura when all is done! Take care of yourself friend and remember....head in the clouds feeling from biking!

Rhonda you are one busy beaver!! I think you are making me tired....maybe I can go back to sleep...aren't you doing a remodel too? I get cornfused with people LOL!!!! Are you coming to the coffee thing on the 6th? I am trying to talk ThatKimGirl and Tim to at least coming to the dinner on the 20th!

Maureen did you hear how Jaydens first day of school went? Exciting time for him...and 5 year olds do not need deoderent....he can't possibly have B.O. Crazy boy!!! LOL

Vicki how are things going on the home front? Is your daughter healing up from the oral surgery? Hope so! What else is going on around your neck of the woods! know you have to do some dancing and partying on your 3 day weekend!

Nikki....good luck on your interview today...I think you said you had an interview....did you get your weeding done?

Shells continued good luck on your interviews. I know it is hard. I thought some of mine went well too, but I am still at the same school. You never can tell. Although I know our principal blocked us...found out yesterday...he did not want to lose key people as our school went up 35 points in state testing! I wish you the best and go get them Tiger!!!!

Jan you really are doing quite incrediable!!!! I might suggest that you take a bottle of water with you while you are walking. It is still hot out there and even though you think you are not are losing fluid if your mouth is that dry. So take care of yourself girlie!

Catt good luck to you with your first day of class will do great and yes it is smart to make yourself as marketable as possible!

Arg Carol and the kitchen remodel...isn't it a living hell to remodel and live in it? HATE it!!! I am sure it is going to look beautiful when it is done!

Renee little devil girl....I noticed you have moved off the island and now in the burbs of the east side of the bay area. I am flabbergasted at how Livermore has grown since I lived up in the bay area....just amazing. Do you like it out there?

Ms. Shell how cool are you going to Yoga!!! I think that is downright awesome and I am waiting for the day that you can tell Madonna to move on over cuz you are the new queen of Yoga!!! I am so excited for you even though you are hurting. It will pay are doing super great!

Lauren are things going with you and your family!!! You hiding?

Chris R...what is shaking girl? Hopefully not the bay area LOL....but what is going on up there in Antioch?

Terri....horselady....things going okay? Spent anymore time with your baby? are you feeling? Hopefully you are getting some energy back!

Linda it is so good to hear that your pain has subsided and you are feeling better...sometimes it is like a light switch thing and it just happens! are things going for you too?

Lisa...I hope you did not think I was coming down hard or something on you yesterday, but I just wanted you to know that things like this happen. I just don't want to see you get discouraged this early out! I am rooting for you!

Scott hang in there too....this will pass I know and then you will hit your stride and never look back. You have done incredialbe so far and just take one day at a time!

Hey Darrol.... Hi Ya 

Jodie...where are  you hiding? Hopefully just too dang busy with that HUGE garden of yours!

Chris are things going with you too? I surely wish I could have gone camping just to meet you...but you know what happened. How is your daughter doing?

Katt are things getting better with your ankle and that space boot you have to wear?

Monica P....I surely wish you great success on your run this weekend. I think this is so awesome and such a fine example of how good life is after wls!

Oh and LuLu for sure when we get to next year for some fun...we will make the waterpark thing on a day where you can come!

Well that is about all I can remember in these wee hours of the morning....btw....wondering how many of you watched the convention last night and saw Ted Kennedy talk and Michelle Obama? It was all good. It was great to see Teddy talk....I missed the tribute unfortunatley. I think Michelle was good...she seems very human. I know her parents have to be so friggin proud of her as Baracks family is. We surely are witnessing historical political territory. It is an amazing time in our country and wouldn't it have been so cool to see the Kennedy brothers see this history along with MLK? Just amazing. Although I do have to admit I did want to see Hillary get the nomination or at least the VP.

Okay I am not political really, but I just had to throw that in there because I really was rivited on hearing her talk and Michelle's brother did a good job too!

So did any of you watch Deal or No Deal last night...OMG that was another sitting on the edge of the seat opening season!!! I surely hope my friend gets called....I just know she will!

Well I bid you all a great day! Remember tomorrow is Whacky Weigh In think about hitting the scale for an offical weigh in for the week! I know I can hardly wait for the sewing man I use to come back to alter some clothes for me!

Be well...and do NOT forget tha****er today...I know it is going to be hot where you live and VERY HUMID!!!

PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 8/25/08 8:32 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

Okay don't shoot me but I'm still on vacation.  We don't go bac****il next week.  Teachers on tuesday and kids wednesday.  So I can still just be excited about the first day because it has yet to happen.  We did get grandmother okay.  I live maybe 10 min from the long beach airport so as soon as they landed she called.  We were half way there when she called back to say they were stuck on the tarmac (sp?) as the paramedics were at their gate so if they wanted to get up and walk around they could.  Basically it gave me time to run back home and get something I had forgotten. I was half way back for the second time when she called back to say she was off the plane.  So glad my child had fallen asleep as she is still not a fan of the car, well more the car seat.

Not much planned for today.  Would love to do some lesson planning if Jordyn would take a bit of a nap.  Or since I'm awake at this rediculous hour maybe I will take advantage of it.

Casino huh? Gotta love Cali educators.

Everyone enjoy the day


Living Life
on 8/25/08 10:13 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Janine and Calif....

Yesterday was an off day for me, but a busy one. I was up and running at 5AM yesterday. Ran my 2 miles, then came home took Fresser for a walk. After that I had to pick up Aunt Mo and take her to do some shopping, then I went over to a friends house to visit for a bit of time. From there we went to The Mills and wonder around for a couple hours and then we hit Victoria Garden for a few more hours before heading back to her house, where we sat around for a few more hours chatting. It was a true GIRL day. :-D

When I got home at about 7 last night, I feed Fresser and then we took a short walk. I was sooo tried, I should have gone to bed right then, but I didn't. I didn't go to bed until about 10, then I couldn't sleep. Go Figure!

But this morning, my coffee was waiting for me and Dang! I love that stuff. Its the best part of my morning.  Unless I get to go back to bed, that is. And since that wont happen, I guess the coffee is the winner.

OK time to think about getting ready for work.
I wish you all a great day. Happiness and love to all.


Jeni H.
on 8/25/08 10:16 pm

Good Morning Janine and Calif friends!

Yes, it is going to be a hot one this week!  But compared to you Janine I should not be whining!  Well it seems I have tendonitits in my wrist from over typing.....I didn't want to do a Work Comp but after talking with the coordinator he thought I should go to the doc.  My right wrist is swollen over an inch bigger than the left, and the pain goes in the thumb to the elbow sometimes...........but I went to physical therapy yesterday and they massaged it, did some STIM and ice and it feels way better this morning.  The doc also says it could have something to do with my neck and the problems I have with that.....

Tommy's IEP meeting at school is today.  I wish I could go, but I am just too busy at work.  I will however make it to his "Back to School Night" on Thursday.  I do not care much for his Teacher already and I have to keep my feelings and opinions of her in check when I am around Tommy.

Well guys and gals, I hope you all have a great, great day!  Try to stay as cool as you can!   HotLove ya bunches!  Jeni 


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Steve J.
on 8/25/08 11:05 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Morning to you and all the Crew Janine!

Twisted Tuesday must mean only three more days until the three day weekend right??!?!?!?

I feel for you working around the kiln in this weather Janine! Ouch! It is so very hot and humid but it is August and expected if not welcomed!

Nothing much going on here today, just work and a trip through COSTCO on the way home.

Wishing everyone a Terrific Tuesday!


Janel B
on 8/25/08 11:24 pm - Oakley, CA
Morning Janine!

It's kinda nice to be home during this time when you post...usually I've been at work for 3 hours already, or am sleeping because I got off at 1am!!

Still have the dang drains and stitches in!! ugh. Dr Q says I can have 1 drain out tomorrow, and I am chompin at the bit to be free from both of them, which will probably happen by Friday. He says I'll have the stitches for another 10 days probably. But, I just adore looking at my arms.

Last night someone from the church brought over a delicious sweel italian sausage and zucchini was to die for and had lots of protein. Rosemary cibatta bread (I had one teeny toasted piece), and brownies....I just had one, can't take much sugar. I put some in the freezer for another's so nice to have people helping me out.

My friend spent the night, and I think she's coming again tonight if my roommate won't be here....she is so sweet and hears me when I get up, so she can help me back in the recliner...that's all the help I need is getting back into the recliner.........oh yeah and when I drop this, but I am learning this new use for salad tongs!!!!

Have a great day!!!
Chris S.
on 8/25/08 11:25 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning Janine and Cali Crew

Thanks for asking Janine . . . I've been lurking but not contributing much - I'm stressed to the limits at the moment . .. my daughter is doing great . . . started back to school yesterday .. . she is taking 3 languages this year (Greek, Latin and German) so she can reapply for doctorate school next year.  She knew she was weak in lauguages - so now she is jumping in totally (I couldn't do it!) and hopes to get into school next year - and stop driving a fork lift at Home Depot.  My son is waiting to hear if he got a federal police job in Monterey - but March AFB civil service people are dragging their feet on 1 piece of paper he needs to be "officially hired".  He has to go to the congressman's office this morning . . . because they will light a fire under the March people . . . 3 weeks we've been waiting.  When he gets hired, he will go up first because he doesn't get his signing bonus for 3-4 weeks, and that is what they need to move with.  My DIL and kids will still stay with us until then.  But it's getting closer!  What's-his-name (my semi significant other) is finally getting the message that I'm done - and money - well it just makes me cry.  So .. . other than that I'm fine.  All this shall pass . . .

Hope everyone has a great day - and hope the humidity is DOWN today . . .OMG . . . and the coolers in our building weren't working well yesterday - it was horrible.  They should be up and running today I hope!


Travelin' down the road to skinny!
on 8/25/08 11:38 pm - Vallejo, CA
Mornin' all!

Just wanted to stop by and say hello real quick before I hit the showers! I am going in for a partial day of work today and then I have to come home and do some serious cleaning and packing...need to get my booty in gear, I have packed less than a dozen boxes so far!

Thanks for the shout out Janine!

I hope everyone has a great day!

on 8/25/08 11:53 pm - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
Yesterday it was 91 degrees here and the humidity was so bad I could barely breathe. We actually had some rain and Thunderstorm warnings. OK it can go away now, I can handle dry heat, but hate humidity!!!
Yep I actually have 2 interviews today, 1000am and 330pm. One is with the County, really want that one, but it will take a while to know about that one. The one at 1000 is what I have done for the last 9 years so I should get it and keep looking for the change I want. So hopefully!!!
Yep I got the weeds pulled, but not the car washed. I had 2 bags of green waste by the time I was done. Figured that was enough.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

Kim S.
on 8/26/08 12:00 am - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Cali! Yesterday, I got my girls off for their first day of school. It was so nice to be by myself for the day. I posted pics of them in my profile. I start school next week. I usually have a syllabus ahead of time  and am well prepared for the first week, but I didn't get one this time. I am always petrified of getting behind in my studies. 

Life on WLS front is fine. I am  eating well, usually the same thing everyday. I am lazy that way. Weight loss is slow, but I see results. I have worked myself up to an hour of cardio almost everyday. I have a gym buddy and that helps a lot. I hope I can get on a good schedule once school starts and it doesn't all fall apart. 

I think I can make it to the IE coffee. I will confirm when I know for sure.

~*Kim*~ Lost 30 lbs pre op!
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