Happy TGIF Gang!!!!
Wow it already rolled around to Friday!!! How great that is for all of you workers out there! This is my last week off...although I did work all week Stevo...thank you very much! hehehehehehehehe
It has been a great week around here on the boards....lots of celebrating for surgiversaries, dates and approvals and those awesome wow moments no matter how big or small they may be! I know I am happy and excited for all of you! And Janel...you have a safe painfree trip home!
BTW....I saw the Barbie yesterday....aka Kim aka MadameButterfly.....OMG she looks fantastic!!! Dr.Q did an awesome job on her!!! She can definitley strut her stuff and should be damn proud of her stuff! She finally showed me pictures of herself prior to her surgery. I sincerely hope that she posts them on her profile because I am telling you gang...one you would not believe it is her and two...it really showcases the amazing job she has done as a post-op....she is definitley someone to look up to with the dedication and committment she has shown living the life as a compliant post op!!! I am real proud of you Kim!
Any of you want to go the waterpark on Sunday..would be cool....ThatKimGirl invited anyone who is interested....hey Scott you reading this? Would be fun to go! You too Kim if you are up to it! The weather is going to be nice actually because it is quite dry here and the fact that Kim has rented a cabana...it will be even nicer for you sun wusses! Only kidding....but it is a lot of fun even if you do not go on the slides and stuff...and worry about how you look...let me tell you....this is not a place to feel like a schlub in a suit...I have been going there before my surgery days albeit I do not know how I stretched a suit on myself in front of my students, but did it and had loads of fun!
So what are your plans for the weekend? Hopefully something fun even if you have to do chores like I am going to have to do...such is life!
Have a great day gang, remember to live life as a post op....that means do all you can do to be successful for today!
PS....you guys did great on your weight loss this week!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Let's see I am taking the kids to Oak Glen to do some period activities, like candle dipping, weaving, archery, quill and ink writing all kinds of fun things. Then we are going to go fruit and flower picking. It should be a wonderful time for all them. My husband got the day off so he is going to go wtih us. I also got a hint that apples are ready for picking and my kids just love those to pieces. I was very happy with myself yesterday. I got up early and walked 3 miles and then in the late afternoon I went on a 2 mile hike with my older son. I am a bit sore today and a bit tired, but I feel good. This weekend is going to be tile tile and then some more tile! lol we have 1100 feet of tile to lay so that should be interesting to say the least. I can't wait until it is done though. The demo of the old tile was a blast. I know it is going to look terrific. I just can't wait, Take care everyone and have a blessed weekend. Rhonda
Good Morning Calif......
Welcome to this bright new day.
I work today, but this is my friday and I am off for the next 3 days. I have support group tomorrow, and I get to see everyone, that is going to make it great day. After that, we are taking a nice little walk. :-D I am also taking care of Jeri's kids so I need to go over there after work today and spend some time with the Kids. I will go over before support tomorrow. I love go over there and sitting outside and drink my coffee and listen to the morning birds.
Other then that, I don't have anything planned. I would love to take a nap, as of right now, I am sleepy and need to sleep for a week. Sunday, Kevin and I are going golfing then dinner with some friends of his. Should be a good day.
OK time for coffee :-D
Have a great day one and all
support group tomorrow and the walk after.
IE dinner in Sept.
Ok.now I am in heaven! I got to see Tommy yesterday. I went to his school and picked him up. He had spent over a month in Palmdale with his other grandma. Well, his daddy moved so he has a new apartment and a new school. He had been crying every night on the phone to me about school so I thought it was time Grandma went to see what was going on.
They had him in regular 3rd grade and the teacher is pretty hard. He still cannot read and was in a "special Day Class" at his old school. He had told his new teacher that he wanted to go back into 2nd grade and she told him 2nd graders were babies.....do you want to be a baby???
So anyways, I spoke with the Resource Teacher yesterday and they are going to pull him from class today and see where the best place for him to be is, and they will do another IEP next month. So I am very happy now.
I took him back to my house and we did home work together and played Wii. I asked him if he wanted to play with our neighbor boy and he said "No, I wanna play with you Grandma!" He steals my heart.......
So I am going to have him this weekend again.
Also - yesterday was the court hearing for my other Grandson Benny and the court granted permanent guardianship to the other grandparents. They will go back in a year and review my daughter's progress on getting her life together. So that is also a good, good thing right now.
God is Good!!!
Well, I got to go to work! Yay!!! TGIF!!!
Have a great, great day you guys!!!
WoooooWhooooo.... it's finally a Friday and TGIF! Speaking of working J... how is the clay preperation for the mural going?
Looking forward to the 5 o'clock whistle today and getting outta the office for the weekend. Need to prep for the support meeting tomorrow which I am going to hold on the patio this time. The mornings have been so nice the last couple of weeks. Saturday afternoon a little work on D's computer and then who knows. Sunday will have time in the garden but not sure what else... it's unwritten at this point.
Hope all y'all have a terrific TGIF gang!
Yep friday - which means its that much closer to Monday and VEGAS....this weekend is pretty busy just getting ready for vacation - then on Sunday I have a wedding to go to ...
So thats about it for me.....guess I am pretty boring this morning....but its time to go read the paper and watch BB10 showtime that I DVR each night....to all you bb10 fans how do you feel about Dan being HOH...do you think he will keep his word to Ollie....Ihope not. I have a feeling he will not honor his deal and will put ollie up...lol I hope so. Ollie needs to go to the Jury house and be with April.
Ok enough of the BB10 talk.
Time for a fresh cup of java.
Happy Friday everyone....