Top of the MORNING
Good Morning Calif....
I am up early as I have to be into work early.
Yesterday I took Fresser to the dog park for the first. She was not really sure what to do with all them other dogs. She hid most of the time. But after about an 1/2 hours of being there, she start relaxing and was making friends. I hope to get her there a few more times and that with time she will get out and play.
Not much going on with me, other then working today, and running my 2 miles later, when I get home. I don't think I will push for time today, since I have will have been up so long. Just get out and move.
What do you have planned for today? Some of the teacher are getting ready to go back to work. I am sure you have lots, TONS to do with getting you lesson plans and all that ready and for that reason, I wish you all the best of luck getting it done, and still have a brain left. Don't fry yourselfs, BEFORE the kids get a chance to do that.
Best of luck to everyone having surgery today.
A few Reminders:
IE Loser support group, this Saturday, dont forget we are going to get out and walk after the meeting, (or bike, if you want to bring your bike) It wont be much, just a nice walk to USB. IF you would like to join us for the meeting and the walk, be sure to let Steve or myself know.
IE Dinner, on Sept 20th. Please respond to that post if you would like to join us.
Have a great day.
Sending much love
Well I was up Miss Neener Neener....but had not got around to posting because I was answering board mail!!! So there...and thanks for rolling out the post this morning!
I will not be at the support group as I am meeting ThatKimGirl at the waterpark! WOOHOO! My last trip to the waterpark before school starts!
Speaking of school...spent the entire day there....I rolled out 125 pounds of clay for tiles for the mural I am doing and plan to roll that much today if not more! Can you say sore back and sore hands? YIKES!!! Things are finally starting to gel in my head about this project and I am super excited!
I cannot believe that school is right around the corner for me and I am going to drive myself nuts with how I am going to manage teaching, get this mural done, getting the one ready to install at my own school which I have been collecting kids artwork for 2 years now...and oh another yearbook! The company always pressures me for the artwork for the cover early on! Calgon take me away!!!
Today my dil is coming down and helping me...that will be cool...and she is bringing Mr. Hunter and his walker...he ought to have a ball sliding around on a newly waxed floor! Truth of the matter is if I had my druthers....I would sit and smooch and cuddle that little guy all day....he is one of the most loveable babies I have ever known aside from his daddy...and I am not saying this because he is my is because that is just his nature. Ava is not the cuddlebug...she is full on slammin independent girl!
Anywho...on to reading the boards and all that stuff! Have a great day everyone and just don't talk the talk...walk it kids!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
It's going to be a GREAT day today! My boss is on vacation so that is a good thing, lol
I am NOT going to get sucked into the negativity here today either, I will ignore everything bad :)
I'm having my breakfast of yogurt right now and am looking forward to the weekend! My man has to work both days so that kinda sucks but also give me "ME" time :)
Have a good day everyone!!
Yes you nailed it. I have to go in today and tomorrow for a work shop at school. I need to do this in a way as I have only left Jordyn once all summer and this will be practice for going back to work. The thought of leaving her now make me a bit teary eyed but I know that once I'm teaching it will be okay. And hey how blessed am I that she is here with grandma.
Everyone enjoy the day.

For us Mon - Fri types it is great to know tomorrow is a TGIF! Guess it is for you too this week since you have the weekend off. Looking forward to the Support Meeting Saturday... it's been too long since we have seen each other. Not to mention the IE Coffee on the 6th and the IE Dinner on the 20th.
Before I forget, the reported weekly weight lost for the WWW post is - 38.3 pounds. Not as much as the last two weeks but it all adds up.
Hey Lu, do you have or have access to an EZ up type canopy you could bring for Saturday? I want to hold the meeting on the patio this month. Any other Inland Empire Loser's that are coming have one they can bring too? The weather has been very nice in the mornings, and those who know us know we have MANY umbrellas that members can use, but I was just thinking a couple of canopies might be nice.
Time for another cup of coffee and to prep for the day for Stevie. Hope you and all the Cali Crew have a beautiful Thursday Lu!
Yesterday was a busy back to work day for me followed immediately by the Dentist. UGH. Today should be a little quieter but still busy.
Hope everyone has a great day
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159

Gotta get

Have a great everyone!

"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me
I hoping for a easy day today...yesterday I took the day off to finish helping my daughter at the apartment she moved out of. We had to get it cleaned out and shampooed carpets. It has just been a very busy week. This afternoon I have a eye appointment and then a nail appointment, then going back over to the apartment to help my husband put up a door and paint. Then were done there…yippeeeeee!!!!! But, all I have to say is today is FRIDAY for me!!!!! Tomorrow morning we’re leaving for San Jose…just a quick trip, but boy am I looking for to it. A very close friend of mine, parents 50th Wedding anniversary. Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!