Sorry . . .another question

on 8/20/08 5:05 pm - CA

What should I expect the pysch eval to be like ???  Is there anything in particular they "are looking" for ?? My appt is not until 9/17 but I want to be prepared . .  Any advice will help

~~aLiCia MaRiE~~

Living Life
on 8/20/08 9:04 pm - Riverside, CA

You are going to a 1000 different answers on that, everyone is different. Mine took all about 10 mins. In and out. She just asked basic questions. Do I take any medication, Am I depressed......blah blah blah

Nothing in particular, but my sister was in there for like an hour, or longer. So each person is different. (same doc, different day)

Weather you have problems or not, just be honest. Be yourself, don't try to "hide" anything. Remember, the surgery is on you belly, not your head, so if you problem before surgery, unless you deal with them, they will still be there after surgery.

OK Don't flame me for being hosest.


Janine J.
on 8/20/08 9:19 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Mine was answering these hundred of questions literally. It was some kind of evaluation they use to give service men in WW2....go figure. I passed it....and I think they are just looking to see if you are going to be compliant really. Do not worry about the eval. I have not seen many people who flunk! Good Luck to you! Bounce 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 8/21/08 1:24 am - CA
Thank you  guys . . . . what ya'll have stated has made me feel better !!!!! 
~~aLiCia MaRiE~~

on 8/21/08 10:15 am, edited 8/21/08 10:15 am - Duarte, CA
I loved my psych eval!  The female psych and I were very much alike and had many similar life experiences. We just chatted about our families, childhood, etc.  She even invited me to come back to visit her, but San Diego is a bit of a drive.

I actually had more problems with the nut eval because he told me I was no longer qualified because I had lost weight and my BMI was below 40!!!


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

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