Good Wednesday Morning its Whacky WeighIn
After surgery from all the swelling and water retention I had gained 2lbs, despite what they took away. Not being able to do any kind of exercise for 2 weeks didnt help I am sure. I got on the scale this morning and I am down 1.5lbs. May not seem like much but I am finally starting to feeling less swollen, even though I am still retaining a lot of water from the anesthesia, thats just me. Best boobs dont enter the room before me and my shirts look even better now!!!! Oh and I can start exercising again as long as it doesnt involve my chest or arms, lol!
Have a good day everyone. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Jean, congrats. (I sent you a PM)
I hope everyone has a great Wednesday
Good Morning Gang.......
I am down two pounds, but I think its been a couple of weeks since I found the time to get on the scale, so I don't know when I lost them. Fresser is down .4 so she is doing good also. I bet if I took the time to shave her, she would be down more. LOL
I went for a run last night, and I ran the whole two mile. WOW moment for sure. It still took me 30 mins so I was not much faster when I run then when I run/walk. I will pick my speed over time I hope, NOT that I am trying for speed. I know I will never win the race, I just want to finish the race. D'land is coming up and I want make sure that we finish in that alotted.
OK time to get moving, I am heading to lunch with a friend, if he is able to get away for lunch, that is.
Have a great time, be safe, stay cool, and remember you are loved by someone in Riverside.
I actually weighed yesterday and I am down 2 lbs this week. For a total of 32 - 20 before surgery and 12 after surgery (3 weeks ago). I am ok with that...