Happy Monday Morning my friends!
Yep that time of week again gang and the weekend just slipped away and now it is Monday morning and in a few hours it is time to rise and shine and face the week and day! Just remember that it is only 4 more days until Friday again! YAY!!!!
Candi posted a bit down that she is going to the hospitial today for her surgery. Make sure that you stop by and sign her support page. She is a good supporter of all of us and she deserves our support right now!
Janel realized she did not have a tummy any longer...imagine that? Keep her in your prayers you guys...she really has had a tough go of it. Janel if you are reading this today....just remember all of things you have had to endure and think of all that you have overcome...and you know that God is on your side protecting you
I know JenDenni is floating on a cloud that she got her approval!!! I am so excited for you Jeni....like I said to you...you will always remember this vacation as it is marked with the beginning of a new lifestyle for you! Now would you put my number into your cell phone girl!
I also want to thank all of you who graciously let me brag and jump up and down with excitement about getting the commission for that mural. I worked on a mock up yesterday and wound up stressing myself out pretty bad and doubting myself. Thankfully my dear husband, Jeff sat with me in my workspace for a while talking to me and telling me that I had what it took to do this. I do not know why I am in so much self doubt...but for some reason I am super scared doing this. Of course it really helped later that my sweet Miss Ava came over for dinner and played with her nee nee for a while. She amazingly took my mind off it all! Of course look at me now...up!
So let's get this morning post a rollin and lets hear what you all did this weekend! I know you found time to have an ounce of fun, a moment of relaxtion...and okay if you did have to work...did you find something positive in your day at least? I bet Steve worked in his garden and so did Miss Jodi! Great weather this weekend to do so. I know I got to meet Scott and Steve, I do plan for sure being at the coffee thing...not sure about support group yet, but he wants to roll with me to the coffee. Maybe I can also get Kim to come too! I am sure she would love to show off that new barbie body!
Hope you all have this super fabulous Monday!!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Janine, you shouldn't doubt yourself, the few pictures that I have seen of your art work are beautiful. You have so much talent. Your piece will be perfect. Don't stress and just do what comes natural to you.

My weekend was pretty boring and uneventful. I am still waiting for the pain to go away

Sorry to keep whining! but the good news is that I have lost a total of 30 lbs now

I am going to try to get a couple more hours of sleep before I have to get out of here and start what is going to be a very long workweek.
Take care, and I hope everyone has a great Monday
We had a nice weekend. My God sone sweet 16 or get together as he put it was nice. I was there mostly to keep his mom company. Yesterday we spent the day at my mom's. They had a barbq and she got to show off Jordyn.
Today I have to go to the district to get my paperwork done for the state. And of course my child who has been sleeping through the night wok up at 3 and just now went back to sleep. Going to try and get a bit more myself before we have to be on the run.
Everyone enjoy the day

Yes, I am still so very excited! It's hard to believe. I am just so glad that my husband was there with me when I got the call so that we could share that moment together!
We had a great vacation. We went to Ashland, Ore and stayed 3 days there, then up to Lake of the Woods Resort and stayed there 3 days, and then Dennis and I drove on up to Crater Lake and had lunch and OMG, it was SO beautiful! Then Saturday we went on the HellsGate Jet Boat excursion.....that was so much fun!
Of course Dennis got in 2 days of golf in with his brother so he was in heaven. The Running Y Golf course is just beautiful too.
So we stayed pretty busy! We drove home late Saturday because the weather was getting pretty hot and we always stop in Redding, (our half way point) and we heard it was like 112 degrees the day before so traveling at night was a better option!
Janine, I have NO doubt that you will make that mural into something beautiful and from your heart! You are SO talentented!!! Listen to Jeff and have faith! It will just start to flow naturally after you get it started and I know it will be a very PROUD moment to see when you are finished!
I know I need to read and catch up with everyone. I'm sure I have missed a lot!
Much love and you all have a great, great day!!!
Gosh Janine, why are you stressing on the mural? Are you under a tight time schedule or something? Usually you just let the muse take you there so I'd just say let it be and let your inspiration work. It'll happen and be wonderful too I bet!
It WAS a beautiful weather weekend wasn't it? You are right about me.... I spent a good deal of time puttering in my garden and spent some time just looking at it and starting to get a sense of what plants need to be moved this fall, what ones need to go and what I would like to get to set in. Watched the olympics and I am loving the broadcasts. Had them on all day while I was working so I could at least hear what was happening even when I was outside working. Yesterday afternoon I just relaxed and read the Sunday papers. That was nice.
Just a reminder that the Inland Empire Loser's August support meeting is next Saturday morning. PM or e-mail me for more info... here's the link to the post:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/CA/a,messageboard/action,r eplies/board_id,4806/cat_id,4406/topic_id,3700341/
Also mark your calendars for the IE COFFEE on Saturday morning, September 6th... the Saturday after Labor Day weekend. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again!
Wishing us all a great back-to-work-Monday!
Yesterday was a 50 mile bike ride. It was a great ride. I am slow but I get it done. I discovered something that I really need to take the bike in for some adjustments. It was pretty uncomfortable in the parts department. Time for a new seat and maybe another new pair of shorts. In 2 weeks we are riding from here to the beach. it will be about 112 miles.
Goodmorning Jean and Cali Guys and Gals. Weekend was pretty fun. Got our new tile for kitchen and dining area. That was fun. Yesterday I was just beyond exaustion and I could not really do anything but lie around. Good thing though, I slept like a rock for the first time since surgery and today I actually feel pretty good I think, little early to tell. I am glad it is Monday, as we are weekend project people and my weekends are just so busy working on stuff. Janine stop worring about your mural. When you get down to it those creative juices are going to flow and next thing you are going to look at it and say wow! I did this! I just know it. Linda I am so sorry sorry that you are hurting still, that has to be major bothersome. I hope your healing completes itself soon. 50 mile bike ride, I hate driving 50 miles~ lol You go. Maybe one of these days I will get to join you for a short one. Well I got to go get thise kids up and fed. YOu all have a wonderful Monday! Rhonda