Happy Saturday Everyone!

Lisa B
on 8/16/08 1:29 am - Riverside, CA
Good Morning All!

I cannot believe the summer is almost over! I need to start the back to school shopping for 3 teenagers...god help me..

As far as my weekend...today I need to spend most of the day down at the high school...my son is in band and they are in the middle of band camp right now and I am on the board and am going to be hemming uniforms and taking measurements all day...sounds like fun huh???
But tonight, my hubby is taking me out to dinner for our anniversay and its a surprise...so that should be lots of fun. Our anniversary is Monday and its the same days as his birthday...hey I fifgured he would never forget our anniversary right?

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

on 8/16/08 4:12 am - Duarte, CA
Band camp, huh?  Watch out!!!!


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

Lauren C.
on 8/16/08 1:42 am - Yuba City, CA


Congratulations on your commission on the mural! That is totally freaking awesome! Also, way to go on your school schedule. I am glad you are having such a great time with your friend.

The weather in San Francisco will be 65 today so I will be thinking about you. Larisa's plane is arriving at 2:15 today. Lexie has made a sign to hold up with Larisa's name but she spelled wrong with 2 "s". A family joke because everyone seems to spell it wrong.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday.  Sun 2 



Steve J.
on 8/16/08 1:54 am - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Morning Cali Crew!

Yea, it's Saturday!!! I love my weekends off of work! Not a lot going on either, just the usual chores and errands and such. We are having friends over for dinner this evening and that will be nice.

Congratulations on the mural commission Janine! That's so cool and I'm glad to hear you got the props and recognition you deserve for your artisitc abilities from your principal and others in your work world. I remember how much work these art projects are for you and how proud and satisfied you are when it's all done. You go girl and keep us updated as the project comes along!

Guess I should get to doing someting here before time gets away from me. Wishing one and all a beautiful Saturday!


on 8/16/08 2:11 am - Hesperia, CA
Congrats Janine,  Will you post pictures of it when you have completed it?  I would love to see it.  Today brings me one pound lighter and that is great.  We had a family night last night and went to Costco.  For dinner and major restocking trip.  We had a ball.  Remember I have 6 kids at home and 9 total!    They got to eat the wonderful hot dogs they have there.  I knawed on some chicken from the chicken salad.  Dr. office said to start trying new things one at a time.  It worked for me.  I also tried a little piece of beef from one of the sample ladies and that went down perfect even better than the chicken and did not make me feel like I had a rock in my stomache.  I know Nascar said that eggs sit like rocks and I am going to have to agree with her.  I am trying yogurt this morning and in about 2 min I can eat it.  So hard trying not to drink 30 min before and 30 min after eating.  That is going to be the hardest thing I am having to do as I drink all day long and to stop for an hour is killing me, but I will get used to it.  Spent about 4 hours in Costco as I have to read each and every label on everything.  I became frustrated when I picked up the napkins and they did not have a label.  Then my brain clicked in and said are you planning on eating the napkins.  I felt lik a ditz.!  So today cleaning and organizing and laundry is the name of this game.  I think I may head to lowes later and Pick out some new flooring for my kitchen I just have not decided yet.  We shall see what the day brings.  God bless you all and have an awesome Saturday.  Rhonda
Maureen N.
on 8/16/08 2:24 am - Redding, CA

Good Morning All!  After spending 1.5 hours on the phone with the internet guys, we finally figured out why I couldn't get online at home!  The AVG firewall was blocking everything!  Go Figure.  So................ I'm BaaaaCk

Janine ......... super congrats on getting that wall!  We want pictures when it's done and also along the way!  I'm beginning a project in my back room - a picture of the 4 M&m characters on their NASCAR wrapped around the corner.  I take a picture and put it on a transparency and use an overhead and project it on the wall and trace it out.  Then the fun begins.  I have tigger, sponge bob, patrick, wyle e coyote, and the road runner and bugs bunny and elmer fud.  It's a fun kid room to have.

I am being a serious jammie slug today.  Jayden and I are just slugging around.  Later on we're gonna hook up with Candi and Casey and go to Chuck-e-Cheese and let the kids play.  They have an awsome salad bar for those of us on the nasty liver shrink diet. 




Create Your Own Ticker

Katt M.
on 8/16/08 2:42 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning everyone!

Janine, you a board hog??? No way!!! It's great that you got back in touch with a high school friend. I know there is a lot to catch up on. =) The mural sounds awesome, and what a tribute to such a fighter. Congrats on your new school schedule. It's about time the school does something like that. If the kids are behind, they shouldn't have electives.

My agenda today is going to a computer store to exchange a harddrive that Matthew bought for a computer that we're selling. We just got it on tuesday and it's already taken a dump. Then it's off to my former boss' house. They haven't seen me since before I had surgery, so we'll see what they have to say. lol Then it's off to Fullerton to see my aunt and uncle. I have photo albums of my weightloss so far.

Oh, I can now walk with crutches and not put a lot of weight on my ankle. wooohoooo!! Now I don't have to be in the wheelchair 24/7.

Hope everyone has a great day and don't forget to stay hydrated!!  

Sending love & hugs to everyone.

~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 8/16/08 3:09 pm - Gualala, CA
Hi Katt,

I'm so happy you get a reprieve from the wheelchair!  How's your exercise coming?  Was Sit and Be Fit any help?

(deactivated member)
on 8/16/08 2:53 am - So. Cal, CA
Janine WAY TO GO! Congrats on getting the mural.  I know you will put all of you into it and you will make her family proud and she will be smiling down from above.  You are such an amazing person Janine, I see it everyday on this board and I hope one day I get the pleasure of meeting you in person!

As for me my weekend is unplanned.  I have nothing to do and want it that way.  I will do some cleaning, laundry and a lot of laying around.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
chris R.
on 8/16/08 2:53 am - Antioch, CA
Super Saturday Janine & Cali Crew,
    Janine- wow, what kudos for you!!!! Boy do you deserve it!  It sounds like your principal is finally turning around from how he treated you last year! I am so happy for you- you deserve every bit of it!  How fun having your friend there with you- cherish every minute!
  Not much on my agenda for this weekend- my parents have a rental home and the tenants moved out so it needs some touch up work before the new renters move in on the 31st.  It has been really hot here - triple digits so hopefully it will cool up just a little.

Diane if you read this- hope you are feeling better- love ya, Chris

                       Make it a great day,  Chris
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