Happy Saturday Everyone!
Good Morning everyone and happy Saturday. I am hoping that most of you are sleeping in which you all need after a hard week of work...especially those who had hard weeks with work!
I was not able to get on line and tell you all about this yesterday because my whole day was pedal to the metal so to speak. First of all, I am having a wicked good time with my high school friend. Well we did not really go to high school together because she is 4 years younger than me, but I went to school with her brothers and sisters and I was friends with the whole family. Like my brother and me, we are the two who made it too in the family. Her family kind of messed up...not real bad, but one of her brothers and her made it good...the rest flaked off...and my brother and I made it good too and my other siblings...well not so good!
Anywho the good news....drumroll please....I got the comission on the tile mural!!!! Principal did not bat an eye when I told him the price per square foot. However I included my supplies in that price and not over because it has to do with a memorial for a teacher who passed away from breast cancer. I wish I had known her and sat yesterday in his office and study her picture for a long time. She was one hell of a fighter and I have to tell you this...she did not hide her illness and came to school with her head bald too. I really admire her and like I said, wish I knew her. She came to the desert from the mid-west because she like me, fell in love with the desert. I am sorry I got this project for what it stands for, but on the other hand very excited about it too.
The other good thing is I swung by my school to thank my principal for being one of quite a few people *****commended me and he told me I am going to love my schedule this year. I have to only teach 5 classes and I will have 2 periods student free! YAY!!!! And I am only going to have students who are at grade level or above less the resource and some SDC students. Our school will not allow any students who did not test at grade level or higher this year have an elective. They have to take extra class in math or English. About time and I hope that it gives them incentive to do better this year!
So I am sorry I droned on about my stuff.....I do not want to be a board hog on the morning post. I am just excited and really wanted to share it with you guys!
Got any good plans going on for the day...weekend? I hear that the weather should break and get some low humidity....that remains to be seen...would be nice eh? I hear NorCal is suffering too as is Oregon and Washington even!
Whatever you do today...make sure you are hydrated for sure and do something that puts a smile on your face and in your heart!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
The good thing about an anti nap child is she sleeps through the night so needless to say we are up. Sounds like your principal is stepping up. Congrats I wish you an awesome school year.
I have my God son's sweet 16 today but not sure about going bacause the household has been sick for two weeks and I don't know if I want to risk it.
Everyone enjoy the day

Good Morning Calif.....
Hey you morning post hog. What are you talking about, I thought this was the place that we could "I droned on about my stuff" I know that I am NOT wrong about this. This is the place we are able to come and drone on. If someone don't like it, DON'T read it. Feel free Janine, to tell us all you have to say.
I just finished my morning yoga workout. DANG!!! that is a working out. It was fun, and I was able to losing up a bit in hopes that my back will stop hurting. It feels good right now, so lets see how long that last. I also done a PM yoga workout before going to bed last night. It helped me relax, so I was able to sleep really good and for more then 3 hours. OK I slept for about 3 hours before waking up, but I was able to go back to sleep. YAY!!
Today, tomorrow and monday is just work for me. OH joy! But I already have plans for tuesday and thursday to RUN! My friend is coming over and we are going to work on RUNNING and trying hard to pick up HER speed so we are on for the 15 min. mile so was are good for Long Beach. This should be fun.
OK Time to jump in the shower, and start my day.
Now don't forget, one week from today is Support Group.
I really hope to see LOTS of you there. Together, we grow.
I just wanted to say though I am no longer in CA I think it is great, fantastic, wonderful that your school has decided NOT to put any students who are not at grade level in electives. I am a preschool teacher, now in KY, and I see it throughout education everywhere (I have teachers in fam in FL, MA, GA, UT and Ca). Children are moved up and not ready. I think your school and principal are to be commended. Not putting children in things they are not prepared for is ultimately better. Now, if we could get parents to hold their children back when they need it.
Glad you are going to have such a year. We have already started...we started on the 5th of August for elementary- high. Enjoy your summer! Thanks for educating our future!!!
Congrats on getting to do the tile mural!! Sounds like a wonderful way to remember a strong woman. I like that!!! Also glad you had a fun time with your friend!!
No real plans for today....laundry, the housework I can do, maybe steaming some tomatoes since they are all ripe at once and coming out our ears. I am gradually doing little exercising that doesnt involve my arms/chest in anyway, so some of that too!!
Hopefully today is cooler, less humid and a good day for everyone!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
You have a good weekend too!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Janine, Congrats on your mural. How exciting. Sounds like you had (are having) a great week

I am still plugging along. The pain is starting to decrease. When it hits......OUCH! but it is finally getting better.
No plans this weekend. I may go hang out with some friends, but other than that, I plan on resting as much as possible. I have a busy work week planned next week so I HAVE to feel better soon.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Janine that is wonderful you got the commission. Sounds like you will be happy with your school schedule.
We have Nathan, our grandson for the weekend, full speed ahead for 2 year olds. It's 7:15am and he's on his way out with Papa to ride his quad, before it get's too hot. He is completely potty trained and just going on 2 1/2, he even empties it into the big potty flushed the toilet, gets up on the step stool washed his hands I was very impressed of his progress since having him last. I tried to post his pic of him on a friends Harley (he love's that pic) but it's not working again since I had the computer re built. Frustrating. When we drop him off Sunday in Vacaville, then it's school shopping day for my granddaughter (a sophmore). I love shopping with my girls, although I'll miss the See's candy part.... That's ok I've got my sweet girls....
Everyone have a safe weekend.

Congratulations on the tile mural Janine! That's so awesome! I can't ait to see the finished wall. I know it'll be amazing.
We're off to my support group in Petaluma then Trader Joe's to see if they got in the turkey meatballs so I can try them. We'll be gone most of the day. Still deciding about going to Hopland..it's supposed to be 92 there and it's 56 here...I'm not sure I can take the heat. I've packed a change of clothes just in case. lol
I'm back on the beam with 11k steps yesterday and I'm losing again! YAAAY ME! I might just make my wild eye in the sky goal of 230 by labor day. I'm at 238 now, down 24 since surgery and 51 since consult. Keep on a rockin' me baby!
Everyone have a great day!