question about cpap

Shella M.
on 8/15/08 12:28 pm
I am seriously ready to cry.   While I was going to the bariactric classes last year I had a sleep apnea test done.   When I talked to my doctor about the results she told me it was very mild and pretty much up to me as to whether I wanted to pursue a cpap.  We talked and agreed that it was another comorbidity that would push my insurance into approval.   I used it for a short time and then really didn't feel any differently.   I stoped using it.   I got my pre-op instructions day before yesterday.   On them it says that I am required to bring the cpap with me to my pre-op appointment.  It also says that I have to use it for 2 months prior to surgery.  I called my pcp to see if she will write something for me that states that it wasn't life threatening but im not sure she will do it.  I am going to talk to her Monday.   Meanwhile I started using it again.   Are they really going to check to see if I have been using it?   I was told the reason that they want you on it for 2 months prior is so when asleep I don't take it off.  I did that in the beginning when I first got it....   but stopped after a couple of days.   Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Shell RNY 8/21/08


on 8/15/08 12:57 pm
Most people that use the cpap machine have to take them to the hospital with them. I've never had one so can't tell you much about it....

If you are serious about the surgery then you need to follow the requirements to a T.....people need to be honest and up front with the surgeons, sometimes a little thing that is left out of the discussion could be a life or death situation.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 8/15/08 1:09 pm - Gualala, CA
I was askede to bring my CPAP to the hospital but when I asked about it there, they said I didn't need it.  I was only there one night and it didn't bother me much.  They were waking me every few hour anyway.  Whether your hospital will require you to use it there I wouldn't know.
I would follow their requiements.  You don't want insurance to back out on a technicality.

Good luck,

G. Daddy
on 8/16/08 1:59 am - San Gabriel, CA
Hi Shell - I was in the same boat - I just took it with me to the hospital and was actually glad I had it after surgery - it really helped me with deep breathing and I slept like a baby with it on.

I'd just clean it real good like you'd been using it - make sure your filter's in good shape and that the mask actually fits you! LOL...

Good luck with yoru surgery!

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

on 8/16/08 3:10 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Shella,

I went through Pacific Bariatrics so I understand what you are talking about.   In a nutshell, do what they tell you to do.  I have read somewhere that they have a different anathesia for people who uses the cpap vs. ones who don't.  Pacific Bariatrics has been known the cancel people's surgeries, if they haven't followed directions or if they feel the person isn't ready. 

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Shella M.
on 8/17/08 1:31 am

okay.. I think I might have confused some people from the replies on here and in email I have been getting.   I realize how serious this surgery is and I have no intentions of lying to my doctor.   What I was trying to say was that I was told in the beginning that my cpap was optional.   I had very mild sleep apnea and it was up to me whether I wanted to go that route but that it was an added co morbidity that the insurance would have to consider when deciding on whether to pay for the surgery.   Now... I feel like I am getting the short end of the stick as I am afraid of having to cancel my surgery because I hadn't been using it.   By the way... I have been using it faithfully since I got the letter.   Not once have a woke up with the mask off.   I don't take it off while I am sleeping and thats what I heard the reasoning is for being on it for 2 months prior to surgery? 

Thanks again for all your help. 

Shell RNY 8/21/08


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