Important Message From Janel
Hi Everyone! First let me say that I'm not Janel. I'm her sister Cheryl and she has asked me to post this for her and give everyone a low down on what has happened with her. I'll try to keep it short although there's a lot that's been going on with her. My dates may be a little fuzzy as the last week has been a blur!
July 8 - has surgery. That evening the doctor noticed she was bleeding too much and took her back into surgery to do some cauterizing (without anesthesia!)
July 9 - still some bleeding noticed and had to go back into surgery again for more cauterizing.
July 10 - got up out of bed to go to the bathroom and passed out, fell on the floor. Next thing she remembers is being back in bed. Her blood pressure and hemoglobin had dropped dangerously low. She then had 4 units of blood and 4 units of plasma.
July 11 - went to Elena's and got a good night's rest.
July 12 - back to the clinic for blood tests and had to spend the night there because Elena told the nurses they called her too late to pick Janel up. When the doctor found out that she was planning on flying home, he said "Are you crazy?!" He would not under any cir****tances give her permission to fly home at any point because of her blood pressure.
July 13 - at Elena's
July 14 - Was supposed to fly back home and I was to pick her up at the airport. Instead, she had to go back to the clinic for blood test and was then supposed to go right back to Elena's. The clinic tried to get a hold of Elena all day and couldn't reach her. Finally they sent someone to the house to check and found the house taped up (that yellow caution type tape that you see but this one said something about No Admittance). Now, if that wasn't bad enough, all Janel's belongings were at the house...purse, passport, cell phone, luggage, etc. The clinic called their attorneys and were told that they could get everything out in 24 hours. No reason given as to why Elena was closed up.
July 15 - Janel got all her belongings back. Yeah! Stayed at the clinic today where they gave her 2 more units of blood to get her strength back. She feels pretty good at this point, just wants to get home! Is going to Hotel Lucerna tonight in Tijuana and will be cared for 24 hours by a nurse from the clinic.
This has been quite a traumatic experience for her and her family is just beside themselves because we can't go see her. She wanted me to thank everyone for their e-mails, support, and prayers. Also to thank everyone who had volunteered to drive her part way home so I could meet her.
At the time of this post, it sounds like Janel will be released sometime this weekend to come home. My plan is to fly to San Diego tomorrow, spend the night, and bring her home on Sunday.
Thanks to everyone! Janel will let everyone know when she gets home.
Cheryl (Janel's Big Sis!)
July 8 - has surgery. That evening the doctor noticed she was bleeding too much and took her back into surgery to do some cauterizing (without anesthesia!)
July 9 - still some bleeding noticed and had to go back into surgery again for more cauterizing.
July 10 - got up out of bed to go to the bathroom and passed out, fell on the floor. Next thing she remembers is being back in bed. Her blood pressure and hemoglobin had dropped dangerously low. She then had 4 units of blood and 4 units of plasma.
July 11 - went to Elena's and got a good night's rest.
July 12 - back to the clinic for blood tests and had to spend the night there because Elena told the nurses they called her too late to pick Janel up. When the doctor found out that she was planning on flying home, he said "Are you crazy?!" He would not under any cir****tances give her permission to fly home at any point because of her blood pressure.
July 13 - at Elena's
July 14 - Was supposed to fly back home and I was to pick her up at the airport. Instead, she had to go back to the clinic for blood test and was then supposed to go right back to Elena's. The clinic tried to get a hold of Elena all day and couldn't reach her. Finally they sent someone to the house to check and found the house taped up (that yellow caution type tape that you see but this one said something about No Admittance). Now, if that wasn't bad enough, all Janel's belongings were at the house...purse, passport, cell phone, luggage, etc. The clinic called their attorneys and were told that they could get everything out in 24 hours. No reason given as to why Elena was closed up.
July 15 - Janel got all her belongings back. Yeah! Stayed at the clinic today where they gave her 2 more units of blood to get her strength back. She feels pretty good at this point, just wants to get home! Is going to Hotel Lucerna tonight in Tijuana and will be cared for 24 hours by a nurse from the clinic.
This has been quite a traumatic experience for her and her family is just beside themselves because we can't go see her. She wanted me to thank everyone for their e-mails, support, and prayers. Also to thank everyone who had volunteered to drive her part way home so I could meet her.
At the time of this post, it sounds like Janel will be released sometime this weekend to come home. My plan is to fly to San Diego tomorrow, spend the night, and bring her home on Sunday.
Thanks to everyone! Janel will let everyone know when she gets home.
Cheryl (Janel's Big Sis!)

OMG!! I just got my cell phone back this morning and saw you had texted me...I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to get back to you. I can't believe all of this, this is insane! This settles it for me, I won't be doing my plastics out of the country, too many unknowns, I'm just not going to risk it. I'm so sorry Janel you are going through all of this, have you contacted work yet? Oh dear, if there is anything, anything AT ALL that I can do, please let me know angel! Love U
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places
Wow, what an ordeal she's been through Cheryl. Thanx for the update. Please let her know that she's in out thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery and for a safe flight home for the both of you. =)

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for the update. When Nadine and I took her to Tijuana last week, I never dreamed anything like this could happen. Hopefully you will both be flying home, so the trip will be over that much sooner. Give her a big hug from me when you see her tomorrow.
Thanks for the update. When Nadine and I took her to Tijuana last week, I never dreamed anything like this could happen. Hopefully you will both be flying home, so the trip will be over that much sooner. Give her a big hug from me when you see her tomorrow.
JudyAnne (imethimonacruise)
I've been calling the number at Elana's for the last couple of days and could not get through to Janel.
Yellow tape? What was that all about? I know Elana moved her business from one location two days after I left aftercare. Janel was staying in the new facility.
Janel, I can't wait for you to be home... finally. You've been through too much. I'm looking forward to hearing good reports from home.
Yellow tape? What was that all about? I know Elana moved her business from one location two days after I left aftercare. Janel was staying in the new facility.
Janel, I can't wait for you to be home... finally. You've been through too much. I'm looking forward to hearing good reports from home.