Should I call?
Am I being antsy or too impatient?

I saw psych and nut on 8/4 and as of this Monday she hasn't rec'd the psych report yet. Is it too soon to think they've heard back from HealthNet PPO?
I'm a freak, I know!

EDIT: date was wrong
I was a freak too, but I got approved and everyone at the surgeon's office and doctor's office knew me by my voice when it was all said and done.
Keep calling until someone does their job. You may also want to try calling the office responsible for the psych evaluation.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Don't be scared. This is YOUR health, YOUR body, YOUR surgery....and as healthcare providers they are supposed to be professional and doing their job. They may not be able to make things instantly happen but should be able to provide with you accurate information.
Like I posted in another thread earlier today, it's important that you be both polite AND firm. (No one wants to help biaatch!)
You need to be your own advocate, do not let some slacker in a cubicle intimidate you. I work in a cubicle, we're not that tough.... :)
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
It's not that I'm afraid to call there, it's ME I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of snapping, lol!! I'm usually pretty polite in most situations as I'm in Customer Care (in a cubicle, lol) and I know who gets better treatment, the nice people.
I just think that the opposite should be the same. THEY should be nice and polite and not short and snippy with me. That makes me mad, when I'm just asking questions, not being a rude biatch or whatever.
You know, I've never gone through this before and she should know that people WILL have questions... why there is only 1 go-to person there, I don't know but I'll be glad when I'm done. Everyone else I've dealt with has been super nice and I have no complaints. :)
I think I may have snapped once or twice... LOL!! This is why it's important to take notes of who you speak to, if someone is really helpful.....then make sure that their boss knows about it. I know there were some really awesome people in my HR department who helped me when I could not get enrolled at Pacificare. (It took me OVER A MONTH just to show up in their system!)
You sound like a fighter, you can do this!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
I remember doing kind of a reverse-psychology thing to the girl at my Dr.'s office; when I felt like I just couldn't call again or she was going to identify me as a "problem patient" and purposely not follow up on my stuff, I sent her a little thank you note. Although she didn't really deserve it, I wrote something like "Thank you so much for all your help during this process, I really appreciate it. I can't wait to get the call that I'm approved!" Have to say, it worked like a charm! She was extra nice the next time she called, which was to tell me I was approved and schedule a date! Yay!