Happy TGIF Everyone!
Welp another week has passed and it is Friday...YAY everyone and a happy TGIF to all of you!!!
What are the plans for the weekend gang? It should be a relatively nice weekend...I think!
I do not know about the rest of you, but we have been experience oppressive humidity out here again. The temps would be great if it was not for the humidity. Yesterday it was hard to almost breathe outside the air was so thick!
I know I am counting every weekend until school goes back and making the best of it. Today a friend from high school who lives in Orange is coming with her daughter and spending the night. I am looking forward to seeing both of them. I also have other company coming tonight too...should be a great night. For the weekend...who knows...I am playing it by ear, but I just know I want to enjoy the rest of my summer vacation to the fullest extent!
Hope you all have a great day and do something that puts a smile on your face and in your heart and as my mother use to say...if you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all!
Remember to drink tha****er....and do all the other good stuff!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
It's been getting very humid out here as well the last three days or so. Yesterday was the worst day so far. They say it is supposed to let up this weekend. Let's hope so cause it is so uncomfortable!
Not a lot on our agenda for the weekend at this point. Errands and chores, some gardening that's about it for D and I.
I will put up a separate post here later but I am changing the IE coffee from 8/30 to Saturday Sept 6th. The 30th is Labor Day weekend and Lu is working that day too I think and I'd love for her to join us.
Wishing everyone a great Friday and weekend!
Today I need to work on something that does not work for me and that is the budget. I hate crunching numbers.
It sounds like you will be having a great time this weekend.
My weekend will be not sure about saturday. Sunday we are doing a bike ride from Lancaster to Boron. It is 40 miles and pretty flat. So I am looking forward to that. Chuck will be the support vehicle and Phillip is going to ride with us on his old ten speed. He will be an animal as he likes to ride on the flats. Me I do not like the flats so much. I much prefer the hard climb up the hills.
I am such a sicko.
Oh you asked me for the information regarding my ride I will post the website. I appreciate all that anyone can do.
http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Bike/CALBikeEvents ?px=5017586&pg=personal&fr_id=8910
Yes the humidity has been terrible and I can already feel it this morning!! As far as I am concerned it can just go away!!
Plans for this weekend, ummmmm, none. It is hard to plan or do much when you cant lift, push, pull, ect! I can do the laundry, maybe some of the housework. Other than that time will tell.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Good Morning Janine and Cali!
Yes, TGIF! It has been a hellish week at work as I have been covering another office in addition to the two I already have. Hopefully our girl will be back on Monday.
This weekend? Larisa is flying home from Germany and we will pick her up tomorrow in San Francisco. We are all very excited. We will head to Starbucks and then the wharf for dinner. She is craving Starbucks lemonade and it seems that in Germany they don't serve it. I already mapquested the closest location from the airport.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Is today the day you talk to that guy about doing the wall????? Do let us know how it goes. Very exciting stuff.
Today is the first full day of vacation. We're up and getting ready to take off. My mom will be here in about an hour to take us to the airport. It's going to be fun - Niether Sam nor Sammi have ever been on an airplane. I can see it now, they will be fighting for the window seat. LOL
Better get a move on. gotta get in the water and get the last minute things together.
have a great weekend everybody
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Good morning Janine and everyone,
Yes, the humidity is terrible....As soon as I get home from work I get in the pool to cool off and then go for my walk and then make dinner...then back in the pool!!!
Tomorrow we are helping my daughter move to Victorville...I just hope we can do it all in one trip!!! Then come home and do things around the house then on Sunday...I think that may be a PJ day or at least a relaxation day...swimming, bar-b-q!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day and week-end.
Yesterday was a great day. I got my appeal. the supervisor did it the same day. So hopefully all is well, but it is ultimately up to the state. Also I had signed up on the preggers board to do a mystery box and I got it yesterday. (i missed ours bummer).
As for the weekend I think my God son is having a sweet 16 (not sure that's what boys call it) on saturday but still trying to get the info. Sunday we are going to a barbq at my mom's so she can show Jordyn off to everyone in the park.
Everyone enjoy the weekend

Well the humidity is bad here to but I am sure not nearly as bad as those of you in the desert....
I do have kind of a busy weekend planned....tomorrow is Hair day - time for a cut and color to get all "pretty" for the vegas trip....woo hoo - leave for vegas one week from Monday and I can't wait...I think I am the most excited about getting on the plane and not having to get a seat belt extension - what a concept....
Not sure about Sunday - I was supposed tohelp my nephew and his family move into their new home this weekend but alas - they don't get the keys until Monday so next week will be moving week....I am so excited for them - their first home.....
Anyhow - thats about it for me....time to get another cup of java and read the paper and watch the rest of BB10 showtime after dark since I fell asleep before it was over...
Hey - my other BB10 fans - are you so excited LIbra is gone or what...and I am so happy that Renny got HOH...I justhope she doesn't change and I hope she puts April and Ollie on the block - if not Ollie then Jerry.....ok done with my bb10 talk.
Everyone have a great TGIF and stay hydrated...
Hugs to you all.