Marathon Training
It's that time again! I will once again be coaching for the National AIDS Marathon Training Program to prepare people to run/finish the Los Angeles Marathon in March.
This is a fantastic program that a dozen or more of the OH Cali Board members have participated in. The program is geared for beginning runners with little or no experience. Over the course of training, we will teach you everything you need to know to complete a full marathon (26.2 miles). We have pace groups that range from 7:30 per mile to 17:00 per mile. I started running with this program in 2001 prior to having WLS and have since completed 17 marathons. Hopefully some of the alumni in here will chime in to give you their experiences with the program.
Training begins on October 4th and registration is open now. The program raises funds for AIDS Project Los Angeles, benefitting people who have HIV/AIDS in the Los Angeles area. There will be three training sites in the Los Angeles area, Griffith Park on Saturdays and Sundays and Santa Monica on Saturdays. I will be coaching at the Griffith Park site on Saturdays. You only need to come to the training site once a week and then complete two 45 minute runs during the week - that's it! In 5 months, you'll be ready to run a marathon! Don't freak out about making every weekend run, you can occasionally skip a shorter run. On the first day of training, you will run/walk/jog 3 miles at your pace and you will then be placed in a pace group with people who run/walk at your pace. You will make new friends as you endure the miles together over the course of the training.
I know the Olympics have inspired many of us to get out there and challenge ourselves. I am motivated to train hard again to improve on my running performance. I hope it will inspire some of you to jump in and do what may seem impossible. The journey of 26.2 begins with a single step. To check out the program/register, you can visit aidsmarathon . com. I will be more than happy to answer any questions and I know the program alumni will jump in too!
keep running,
Hey there Coach and my mentor. Guys if you are considering running and need to motivation to train this is your opportunity (sp?). Scott is an awesome coach. I started training to run my first marathon when I was 6 months postop. I thought what the hell am I doing and I was scared to death. But let me tell you about a couple experiences that I had. The first was actually running that first day and finishing the 3 miles. guess what I wasn't last. I ran in a pace group that was a good match for me. Do not worry they have a formula for it and will put you where you need to be. My second experience is when we did our 26 mile training run. I used to drag my daughter down with me every single time. She became a fixture there too. Well, on the 26 mile run as it got to the end I was struggling at the last mile who comes running in with me but.... Scott he was not coaching then but with each of us OH runners he met us and ran with us to where we entered to cross the finish and get out medal. Well, when I came across the line who was there but my daughte and Celest. It was a very tearful moment. I hugged Celest first then my daughter put my finishers medal around my neck hugged me and said "Mom I am so proud of you!" She cried, I cried I think everyone around me cried. Then a month later came the actual marathon I look at the finishing picture daily It was in Honolulu I shared a room with Gary, Celest and Luana. I asked Luana if she wanted to go as she told me she didn't have a life. (so never meeting me she came and we have become lifelong best buds) I remember crossing the finish line laughing and crying. So the point of my rambling on like this that you can do anything that you put your mind to. So if you're thinking about it try it.
I wish that I could run but I have some bursitis in my hip and I would prefer not to have injections in it so I could run. So I distance cycle now. I may do short runs but a marathon way way way to much for these old joints.
But, the high is awesome. I will tell you if you tell me I can't. I have also had 3 knee surgeries.
I'm always on the boards, I just lurk a lot most of the time! I check in several times each week to see how everyone is doing.
Unfortunately, we don't offer training in OC, but there are other training programs out there. It wouldn't be out of the question to come from South OC especially if you find someone who could carpool and you could skip some of the short runs (8 miles or less) and do them on your own.
I would love to see you there! I hope someone in your area steps up! I will send your regards to Dolly!
Ah ha a lurker eh? LOL Scott you are the best and have inspired so many people to get out there and do what they do. As I told Dolly when she posted recently that I remember the both of you and would ya look at the both of you now!
Aside from WLS super have done a lot for people by who you are Scott....the dedication of helping others is remarkable!
I wish my body was capable of running as I so loved it when I was younger...even ran track....but it is never going to happen in this lifetime again. I am just grateful to be able to do the amount of exercise I can.
I hope we cross paths has been a couple of years...perhaps you both will be at the LA convention...a friend in the desert wants to go and I think we are going to share a room if I decide to go!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Good to see you! I am thinking about doing the Pasadena Marathon in November and the City of Angels Half in December. I ran the City of Angels last year and loved it. I might consider the Irvine run too, I'll check it out and see if it fits into the kid's schedule since that's how I have to plan things nowadays!
Dolly sends her love!