Happy Thursday Everyone!!!

Maureen N.
on 8/14/08 12:27 am - Redding, CA

Happy Thursday Morning All!  I'm here and barely awake.  Being de-cafeined sucks.  First I got rid of the ciggies, now the Diet Pepsi addiction and soon, the food addiction.  I'm working on being addicted to walking.  My dogs now all know the order in which we go.  Maggie first for the warm-up, Roxy the kid is 2nd and Jezi the old lady last.

Jayden called me last night wondering if there really was things as "Mom Powers"  Apparently he was questioning whether his mom really had Mom Powers.  I explained to him that when every mom had a baby, they got a gift called Mom Powers which allows them to know what their kid is doing in the other room, when they're sneeky and don't use shampoo and when they've hidden their toys under their bed instead of putting them away and....... when they've hidden their dirty clothes back in their dresser.  You could just hear his jaw drop!  Turns to his mom and said "I guess you're right - MoMo has 'em too!"  Told Amy (his mom) I had her back on this one!

Pre-op appointment today.  I hope I soon get un-plugged.  This diet has me so backed up I'm beginning to feel like that big white fluffy tire guy.  Ugh.


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christine mats
on 8/14/08 12:45 am - oceanside, CA

Good Morning Janine and Cali!!

Happy Thursday to all !

yes those size 8 are wonderful I look at myself with amazment in the mirror I never thought! 

one more wake up day to the weekend YES!! I getting away this weekend for some fun!

Have a great day!


on 8/14/08 12:51 am - San Dimas, CA

Hi Janine and everyone,

Congratulation Janine regarding the email you got...That is an awesome opportunity to be able to show your work on a tile mural...You do such beautiful work!!!  Good Luck!!

Nothing new here...just working.  Another busy day.  I was able to get my 3 mile walk in last night...I was so excited!!!!  I never thought I would be excited to exercise.

Well, I need to get back to work, so I hope everyone has a wonderful day....



on 8/14/08 1:52 am - Modesto, CA
Well I thought I would just jump right in and say good morning to all.  Hope every one has a great day!  As for me I stopped drinking my pepsi's.  My last one was on Monday. I'll be great
when these headaches stop.

Monica P.
on 8/14/08 2:14 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with

Good Morning and thank you for all the birthday wishes.....

I started off the morning with my trainer at the gym who made me do 36 push-ups, 36 crunches, 36 bench presses.....you get the idea.

I did not get out the door in time for my Thursday coffee, but so far that is the only disappointment on my birthday.

Like my birthday avatar?   Oh, and thank you for all the birthday wishes via my support page and email!!! It made me feel all warm & fuzzy on the inside. You guys are awesome!

Tonight I have dinner with my mom, brother, and sis-in-law....I'm looking forward to having some crab.

Happy Thursday everyone!

Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

on 8/14/08 2:20 am - Los Angeles, CA
Good Morning Cali,

Thanks for the shout out Janine.  If you had of told me 3 years ago, that I would be rock climbing, biking and running , I would have told you that you have gone bonkers.  I am happy and blessed to be able to do so much.   Janine, I am so happy for you.  You are an amazing artist.  With the mural, you will be able to show everyone your talent.  Congratulations, girlfriend.

Not much going on with me.  I went to Rite-Aid this morning to buy some items that I will need for the Midnight Madness.  I am supposed to meet up with Greg this evening.   I have my 2 year follow-up with my surgeon in Anahiem.  Can you believe it has been 2 years, since I had my date with destiny?  Went from a size 26/28 to size 8/10 !  All I can say is "WOW"!  The only thing wrong with me is that I have low iron.  Last night I went for a run (altough I did not want to).  I feel good.

Well, everyone have a great day.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 8/14/08 2:21 am - Los Angeles, CA
OMM stands for O'Melveny & Myers (the law firm I work for).
Sorry about that.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

vicki M.
on 8/14/08 2:31 am - NAS Lemoore, CA

Just popping in to say HELLO!!  Hope everyone is doing great.  We sure are!!  My oldest had her oral surgery yesterday, and is doing wonderfully.  Hardly any swelling or pain....YAY!!

Now to get ready for school to start on Monday. My baby boy is starting Kindergarten and even though I thought that I wouldnt get upset about it since he has already been to Preschool, I can't help but get a little misty eyed.  My big man!!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

(deactivated member)
on 8/14/08 3:22 am - Los Angeles, CA
This is correct. I am planning on coming out to the IE coffee. It's the perfect excuse to come meet you all out there and to see my friend out in PS that afternoon/evening. Sure, I'll have to get up SUPER DAMN EARLY on Sunday to make it back to West LA for my church job in the AM, but I've done it before and I'm game.

As I've stated before. I love love love Thursdays! Not only does it usually host the best TV in Primetime (save for summers), but I have rehearsals these nights. We're working on a bunch of hard and wonderful choral pieces for our Fall concert in September. No solo offerings as of yet, but I'll see if there are opportunities tonight at rehearsal.

Tonight I should (i say should because he's king of flakey-flakertons) be seeing the old guy tonight. Yeah, the one who comes and goes. Maybe some day I'll learn to move on .. right about the time he learns he can't live without me. Hope springs eternal. Or maybe that's stupidity. It masquerades as hope often.

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! BY THE BY! My sister is hosting a garage sale this weekend to benefit her Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. There'll be lots of tchotchkies and things and i'm bringing my awesome "too big for me" closet. There will be plus size clothes from 28 - 18... office wear, jeans, t's, sweaters, dresses. I've got really classic tastes with some fun items here and there. If you want more info, just send me a private and I'll pass it along!!

Happy Thursday Y'all ... trudge on thru then just ONE MORE DAY!!! WOOHOO!
Katt M.
on 8/14/08 5:04 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning/ afternoon everyone!!

Janine, thanx for the shout out this morning. Yes, Tara delivered her son on tuesday. His name is Bryan Michael and he weighed in at 6lbs., 10ozs. and was 18ins. long. I got to see him yesterday. There are pictures on my profile. =)

I love having the cast off. The boot isn't so bad and I can take an actual shower now.

Nothing on the agenda today except for the orthodontist. Hope everyone has a great day! =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
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