Happy Thursday Everyone!!!
Wow this is my favorite post of the week because of WWW yesterday and it proved to be a very successful WWW from what I can tell. Perhaps it will not be the highest wl like we had last week, but the pounds lost are awesome as Mr. Steve will post today I am sure..and just the general feeling of people being upbeat and happy with themselves makes it the best day of the week as far as I am concerned.
Best overall post in the WWW is yours Steve because I am pleased that you have put some weight back on...yeah I know gang that is weird, but Mr. Steve needed to real bad! BagofBearBones....not so good! So keep on maintaining that dude! BTW would you please make a seperate post about coffee on the 30th because I think that is why there is not a lot of response yet because too many do not post here on this post and gawd forbid they might get caught posting to it instead of reading!
Missy said she would be there also....
Now if we could get Miss Jean to come that would be awesome...what do you say Jean since we are not going to get to hook up this next week because of cir****tances?
Please send out prayers for Miss Diane C's sister as she is going to be having surgery on her ankle this next week.
However best news is that Diane is not going to have to have more surgery on her shoulder from the fall she took. That is also great news!!!
Monica W I am so happy that you are feeling good about yourself. The carb free business....YOU GO GIRL and no it is not as hard as it seems! It makes you feel a lot better eh? Have you heard anything about your appeal yet?
OH BTW....it is Monica P's birthday....
How cool is that there are all these Leo's around here!!!!
Shelly J do you know if you are moving yet? And right on about maintaining...you have done so awesome and look awesome too!
Julia you are doing an outstanding job rockin that tool....yum pureed food who would have thought that would sound so appetizing! LOL
Sue how is your husband doing after the epidural block? I hope that it helps his pain big time. Are you ready for your vacation? Only a half day today eh? Where are you going again?
Shells....how did the interviews go? Heard anything back on them yet?
Michelle you are doing great and stop beating yourself up. Things happen and you are not always able to keep the same routine....just when you can make an effort to get out there and exercise. Like yesterday I should have, but didn't because I was not in that zone...did I beat myself up...no because I know that I will later on this morning...the way I look at today is a new day!
Christine you are also doing great!!! Doesn't those 8's taste great????LOL
Harriet good luck with training and you stop beating yourself up too. Just keep up with the right eating habits and when all said and done you will still drop the weight. Half pound lost is not a half pound gained. You are doing fantastic!
Janel B....thinking of you sweetie and hope that your issues with transportation have worked out. Are you still in a lot of pain? I hope not...keep praying for you!
MomaLid...doing great girl!!! Keep up all the hard work!
Catt yet another board pic...what happened to the sexy one? I bet someone complained eh? Love this one too! Bet it felt weird to see your little one go off to preschool, but on the other hand gave you some freed up time I am sure!
Lola you are doing super great girl!!!!!! I know you seem like you do not have much energy, but I promise you that it will pick and in not time you have a surplus of energy and you are going to be all of sudden thinking where did that come from!!! Your life and body is going through major readjustments....just hang in there girl!
Ms. Shells....you go girl!!! I am so happy that you are seeing the scale go in the right direction. Doesn't it feel great???
Kim aka Puddin...you are just nothing short of amazing....you're the biking fool!!! I love it!!!! What is OMM??? I am a tard here with acronyms sometimes! I know you have to be happy that the b word is leaving!
And Maureen...OMG your detox liver regimine diet is really serving you well. Your doctor is going to be super pleased with you. You take that same kind of dedication after your surgery and you are going to be a skinny mini in no time!!!! I really admire your determination pre op!
Darlene...wwowowoowowowowowowow 7lbs that is friggin awesome!!!!! Guess all that moving really paid off eh? Or was it that orange painting????LOL
Kim S isn't amazing how bare our closets get so quick? Another thing that floored me is how much I can get in a suitcase now!!!! Keep up all the hard work!!
Rhonda you are doing great! Menopause...ugh that sucks! However just remember that you have a lot of estrogen stored in the fat and the reason you could also be experiencing what seems like menopause is because you are dumping fat so quickly and all the estrogen has to go somewhere....wls wreaks havoc with your hormones when you are in the rapid weight loss phase post op!
Chris R...wow that cake sounds awesome! Did you get a picture of it? I hope that your back gives you a break soon....I honestly feel your pain gf! And where is a pic of the wicked tan girl?
Carol remodeling sucks eh? I went through and did a major overhaul last year on my house and UGH is right! Nothing like you are doing, but painting and staining and doing floors...OMG! You are doing great in spite of all the upset in the house!
Mary Louise....you look so beautiful in your new avatar! I am so happy for you that you are doing so great! Keep up all the hard work!
Hey Joy...thanks for sending me the link to Evergreen. Swear I would not have recognized it! I have to go there now....we will talk about it!
Lauren did your daughter get home? I bet you are in mommy heaven if so!!! I hope all of you are having a good time reuniting and all the good stories! I am sure she will be happy to hear that her daddy is doing well too!
Kelly...no check in from you...is everything okay?
Kim aka MadameButterfly...where are you? I hope that you are okay and that the only reason I have not heard from you because you are stuck on yourself in the mirror! ONLY KIDDING! Look forward to seeing you!
Few others I think about.....how are you doing Becky? Loved the pic of you and Paula!
ThatKimGirl are you still on vacation?
LuLu it is okay that you have nothing to report on....just know we care regardless!
Liz R...how was that biking and are you biking in the little free time you have up there in the High Desert? I know you have to be looking forward to the cooler weather and getting out there and peddling your tiny ass off! Did the painting find its finally resting place?
SueBee twin....what an impressive weight loss girl. I am only sorry that you are still in pain. Hopefully soon it will all be resolved and things will settle down for you!
Katt did your niece deliver yet? I have not seen you post. Does it feel incrediably awesome to have that cast off? The boot is not so bad I am sure compared to the cast!
I had some great news yesterday. I opened my school email to find an email from a principal in my district who wants to talk with me about doing a tile mural to memoralize a teacher who passed away. My principal gave him my name and he wanted to give me the first shot at it before he would bid it out. I am going to talk with him on Friday about it. I am excited about it because not only do I get to do art, but I will get paid for it too!
Well one more day until Friday...hang in there all of you people who are working and know that it is only one more day until the WEEKEND and some fun and relaxation!!!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
So we had a near repeat of last weeks WWW loss this week with - 71.6 pounds lost. Two awesome reports in a row. Good jobs people!
Nuttin much going on here today, just work and the Olympics on TV tonight. Works for me! Looking forward to TGIF tomorrow and the weekend to follow!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Whats this about coffee? I know that our LB coffee is on the 30th so if there is another coffee that day I wouldn't be able to make it.
Not much planned for me today....just some grocery shopping and maybe the pool.
So to all - have a great day and Janine - once again - thanks for the shout out.....
Hugs to all
Only working a couple of hours this morning then its off for vaca! I'm technically not even at work today as all my out of the office stuff is turned on and my boss is logging in as me when she gets there. LOL Just going to do a few last minute things and check on a couple things then I'm outta there. We are going back to Boise to meet up with my teenage daughter and her parents. We are all very excited. This will be the 2nd time we've seen them now.
My DH procedure went well. We really won't know how much it helped until later today or tomorrow. They did bilateral injections on 3 disks. Actually, I take that back. I just asked him and the pain in his legs is already better. His back is a little sore from the procedure itself but that will continue to get better. He goes back in 2 weeks for round 2. Thank you to everyone who was keeping us in thought and prayer yesterday. It really did help!
Ok gang, I better get amove on. Going for a pedi after work then maybe a massage too. oh boy!
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Janine you are incredible that is exactly what the doctor said to me. It is so odd that all this is happening all at the same time, kind of makes you a little crazy! I also gave up smoking by choice before the surgery and the mental withdrawls are really getting to me right now, but I also know I will never smoke again! I never want to go through the physical withdrawls again. Those were horrible now I am just left with the emotional and mental withdrawls of that. Now I literally gag when I smell cig smoke. I guess I am going to be one of those ex smokers. I am also starting to mourn food. I did not think that would come so soon, but it has reared its ugly head. And with the menopause thing happening, I am pretty much a basket case. Yesterday I cried over a shade of yellow paint on a home decorating show. I am sure all of this will pass and I am just hanging in there. I am down another pound since yesterday making it a total of 26 now. I am out of the 290's and low on the 280's I am looking forward to the 270's as that was my weight before I moved to the desert. It helps me to set little goals. My doctors nurse called me yesterday also and said that she heard I was having trouble drinking the shakes. She said my doctor said for me to start trying some new foods. I got permission to try ground turkey (very finely ground), eggs, cottage cheese, pinto beans, tuna if I wanted. This was extreemly exiting for me. So yesterday afternoon I tried egg beasters 1/4 cup and 1/2 of a turkey sausage. It was difficult and the few bites I got in took forever. Dinner I tried some pinto beans and cottage cheese for a change and I knew I was so short on protien. No problems with the cottage cheese, was actually able to eat 1/2 cup, took a while and was not full. So started on the beans and that was very hard and I was becoming very full so I just stopped. My stomache grumbled all night It was kind of odd to hear all of those funny sounds happening. I was so worried I was going to gain weight from that little bit, but got on scale this morning and I am another lb. down. That is a good thing. Well I drained on here for every thanks for everything Janine, and Cali Group you all are a wonderful support. Rhonda
Good Morning Calif.....
Well, last night was a bit ruff. I had a really bad, ouchie bad pouch.I sat in the pain for over 2 hours hoping against all hope, that the pain would go away. It bad enough that I called Liz after 9 and cried to her. I knew what she was going to tell me. But I guess I just needed to hear it. It was the same thing I tell everyone. GO TO THE ER!! So I called my sister and she and my neice came and picked me up, and off we went. Just as we where walking into build, I felt something move. I know this is going to sound weird, but I kind of heard it also. Yap, heard it go "ploop" in my pouch. WOW! talk about weird. Within seconds the pain stopped and the cramping went away. So we went and sat in the little coffee shop thing that Kaiser has and I sipped some water. I didn't want to leave until I knew for sure it was going to be OK. I was able to get the water to down, while at home, I could not get anything down. Infact, anytime I drank anything, It would make my pouch very mad, and I would have to RUN to the bath room. So we waited for about 1 hour, and when nothing bad happened, we came on home. My tum tum is still a bit sore from the cramps but all is good, as I sit here and drink my coffee.
I am just so blessed that I have a friend, that I can call at such a late hour. I have been sooooooo blessed to have Liz walk (or should that RUN) into my life. Thank you LIZ!!!
OK I wish you all a great day. Sending soooo much love.
So glad to have this morning. My wonderful child has become glued to me these last few days and I'm not sure why. Not complaining but it makes it hard for me to get anything done and at time eat properly. She is still sleep so I put my pot roast in the slow cooker with lots of veggies. Now getting to eat it tonight will be another thing.
As for my appeal. I had been leaving messages and not getting anything in return so Yesterday I got a hold of someone else and found out that my analyst had been out of the office and I had the wrong extension for her. She was going to look over my paper work yesterday and turn it in to her supervisor this morning. Now I have a 5 to 7 day wait. Since we don't go bac****il after labor day I still have time.
Everyone enjoy the day

Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
Congrats on the chance to do something you love so much and get paid for it. I will be sending you positive thoughts!!
As for me still sending out resumes and wondering if my phone is working. Still taking it easy post op, but getting close to that 2 week mark where I can do more. Still so occasional discomfort, mostly the healing itch and such. Just cant wait for all the swelling and stuff to go down so I know what size I will actually be. The PA cant say how long it will take for the to lose the swelling and settle into my size (??????) Grrrr I am not patient dont want to wait, I want an answer. Cant wear a real bra yet so why should I care right now, RIGHT? LOL!!!
Well hope everyone has a wonderful day. Be safe, happy and healthy!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott