Disneyland 1/2 Marathon!
10 miles in 2:15? Damn girl, you're fast! I would not be able to keep up with you! You're going to do fabulous and I doubt that you will get picked up.
I'll be doing the Disneyland half too, I'm still a newbie runner but here's what I learned so far...I'm sure some more experienced runners will chime in too.
When running over longer ditances you need to replenish your body with water, potassium (to prevent cramps), salt, and electrolytes.
I carry Gu gel in my runner's belt, I tried the Cliff shot blocks, but I don't care for the gummy consistency. Some people like the Jelly Belly sports beans, I think they're ok. You can pick up all these items at a running store. I suggest trying these items on a training run first instead of trying a new item on race day.
I notice that I run better when I drink Gatorade or G2 during a run instead of jus****er...Propel does nothing for me.
Oh! ...and check out the Exercise and Fitness message board, there is a TON of good advice there.
Good luck, and run strong!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
I will be there....along with Kevin. We both did it last year too! I think Helen will be out there too?
I'M IN TRAINING AND YOUR HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! http://apla.convio.net/site/TR/Events/NationalAIDSMarathonTrainingProgram-MARATHONONLY?px=1351601&pg=personal&fr_id=1050
My knee hurts, and I think I'm going to need new running shoes. :(
How many miles does it take to properly break in a new pair?
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
You really shouldn't have to break in shoes. You should probably get your new shoes now. To make sure that they are comfortable. The shoes that you wear even if you get the same style sometimes there are slight changes to the shoes. That is what you need to look for. Your knee is hurting probably because you need the new shoesies. I love to get new running shoes oh they feel so good on my feet. I have my shoes from LA last year and they're about worn out.
I wish that I was running but I ran to otherday and hip still gets sore.
I don't know, I didn't even think about meeting at the start line yet. I was just freaking out about finishing!
Send me your info and we'll try to work something out.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
I'M IN TRAINING AND YOUR HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! http://apla.convio.net/site/TR/Events/NationalAIDSMarathonTrainingProgram-MARATHONONLY?px=1351601&pg=personal&fr_id=1050
Shin splints are typically a "new" runner injury that will go away as you strengthen muscles in your calves and ankles. Also, the majority of shin splints are caused by running shoes that are not well suited for your foot. Make certain that you go to a running store to have your shoes fitted. Don't trust a sporting goods store or mall sports shoes store to fit you in good running shoes. You need to go to a store that specializes in running to get a good fit.
You are going to do just great! Enjoy the race, you can't beat the scenery!