Interesting Observation
So, it was a odd awakening.
I don't eat because I LOVE food, I just make BAD choices in the food that I eat because it's fast or easy or whatever.
I eat to satisfy the boredom, emotional stuff etc. but NOT because I LOVE food!
How crazy is that?
God, he's so right on... it's odd how others see you different than you see yourself.
Just thought I'd share.

Since surgery my attitude towards food has changed too, this is just the beginning!! I have this bizarre love/hate affair with food.
Sometimes food is my friend, it fuels me to get through my day and I NEED FOOD to be able to complete my workout and my runs.
Then there are other days when food is my enemy. It's the evil cake in the breakroom at work that I know will make me dump. Sometimes I think eating just a little snack will make me gain my weight back, Sometimes it's even the remainder of a healthy meal that I think I want to finish even though my pouch is full.
I'm trying to learn to have a new relationship with food. It's not easy.
In the past few weeks I've given much thought to all these things. What triggers me too eat? How am I feeling? There's a lot of emotional/psychological reasons I was a 300lb person. I want to work out all these things now, because I believe avoiding all thse issue are what leads to gaining the weight back or developing new addictions.
I think it's great that you're noticing all this, it will help you in your journey.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).