finding a PCP WHAT DO I DO!
sacrmaneto area peoples who is your PCP....i dont have one and need to find one to start this process with me....i have called 3 docs so far and non of them do WLS referals......what do i i make an appt for other things and then start talking WLS once i am in, or do i continue to call docs and tell them that i am in dire need of surgery and looking for a doctor to do this journey with me!
I've been there....
I started calling docs when I got new insurance a few years back when I started 'looking' into WLS I went with my PCP because she had done refferals. When I went to her and told her my wishes, she said no...She didn't even let me finish my sentance before she was nodding her no at me. Her reasoning was that she wanted me to 'try' I did......I waited, had my baby, became hypertensive, also now have high's been about 3 years now, and she's finally on paperwork is to be submitted to my insurance this week from my surgeons office.........
I started calling docs when I got new insurance a few years back when I started 'looking' into WLS I went with my PCP because she had done refferals. When I went to her and told her my wishes, she said no...She didn't even let me finish my sentance before she was nodding her no at me. Her reasoning was that she wanted me to 'try' I did......I waited, had my baby, became hypertensive, also now have high's been about 3 years now, and she's finally on paperwork is to be submitted to my insurance this week from my surgeons office.........
Looks like you found your answer, but just to let anyone else who is reading this know ... i went backwards. I found a surgeon first and he recommended a PCP who a lot of his patients use. Granted, I had a PPO, but I dont see the harm in calling a surgeon's office and asking if you happen to have an HMO or POS.
Also I leaned on my insurance people a lot. I called and asked them where local doctors were. After a few sessions of banging my head on the wall, I got my answers.
Good luck!!