Janel B
on 8/13/08 3:28 am - Oakley, CA
Celeste has offered to take me from SD to Anaheim on saturday......thanks so much Celeste, I really appreciate it.

Now I'm wondering if anyone can take me from there to Castaic Park to meet my sister. She will come to Aneheim if I absolutely need her to, but she has been making so many calls for me, work, disability, the docs, etc. Plus, I just worry about her and her health and medical issues...so much has happended to our family and she bears it all....she's such a servant.

If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. This would be on Saturday. I know that Elena here says we need to get over the border early, but I'm not sure what time that means, or how long it takes.....all expenses will be paid.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

BTW, I'm feeling stronger today....may need another iron tranfusion, but am hoping to wait til i get back home and go to kaiser.
Janel B
on 8/13/08 3:32 am - Oakley, CA
Sorry Carmen, i know youre not Celeste.....duh! I could blame it on the pain meds,but I'm just outright bad with names!!!
Kirsten :-)
on 8/13/08 3:58 am - Agoura Hills, CA
Hey Janel...

I was just thinking about my trip home and how uncomfortable it was.  Cars are bad enough, let alone switching cars so many times.  Maybe someone can get you on the train and you can be picked up in Chatsworth....it's only about 20 minutes from Valencia.  The train ride is about 2 1/2 hours and very comfortable.  Just a thought!
Janel B
on 8/13/08 4:12 am - Oakley, CA
could you get me the train info, times, etc? that way i can get a reservation and have my sister get me there.
Crysti S.
on 8/13/08 4:47 am
Let me see if I get this straight...

You need a ride from Anaheim to Castaic Park?

Where IS Castaic Park?

I might be able to help :)
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

Janel B
on 8/13/08 5:10 am - Oakley, CA
it's where magic mountain is at
Crysti S.
on 8/13/08 5:24 am, edited 8/13/08 5:24 am
I can do that for you hon, I'll just need REALLY good directions!  hee hee!!

Let me know what you decide, planes trains or automobiles, lol ;)

OH I wanted to add that I have a new RAV4, it's a LITTLE high, not sure if that will be a issue or not?
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 8/13/08 7:09 am, edited 8/13/08 12:46 pm - Jamestown, CA
Janel, I hope this is helpful...the price is nice. This is th e web pagehttp://tickets.amtrak.com/itd/amtrak/FareFinder?_tripType=On eWay&_origin=Anaheim%2C+CA+%28ANA%29&_depmonthyear=2008-08&_ depday=16&_dephourmin=&_destination=Oakland+-+Jack+London+Sq %2C+CA+%28OKJ%29&_retmonthyear=&_retday=&_rethourmin=&_adult s=1&_children=0&_infants=0&_searchBy=schedule&x=22&y=16

This is the info, these aren't the only time it runs.
$106.00 763 Pacific Surfliner
Anaheim, CA
8:06 am
Los Angeles, CA
- Union Station
8:50 am
0h 44m Checked baggageSnack carOnboard wheelchair ramp 1 Unreserved Coach Seat

I sure hope this is of some help. If worse come to worse I will come and get you in Castaic or where ever you need. I was a professional driver for 10 years so All I need is an address. PM me and I will give you my Phone number if I can be of any help....H*** of away for me to meet new friends. LOL LOL All I ask is you pay for gas and maybe buy me lunch LOL

Janel B
on 8/13/08 7:22 am - Oakley, CA
thank you so much, crysti! i will get directions to you. my laptop is about to die, so whenit goes back up ill send you a message!
Crysti S.
on 8/13/08 7:24 am
Sounds good Toots!

Take it easy :)
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

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