Its Whacky Weigh In Wednesday!
Happy WWW Cali Crew.
wow what a weekend- it took me 3 days to bake and then decorate the 1/2 sheet cake for my grandson's b-day. He picked a spiderman cake which has a lot of detail ie- webbing! His party was on Sat, it turned out really great, there was a spiderman jumpy and a waterslide so the kids were busy. He really liked the cake so it was worth it! Sunday was recovery day, my back does not like to do cakes anymore! I have been catching up on laundry and shopping so today is swimming with my g-daughters! I have the best tan ever this year, it feels really great.
By the way- down 1.6 this week
Congrats to all the new loosers and great job to everyone else!
Make it a great day, Chris


Hey, is Big Love back on? I don't have HBO, so I'll have to wait until it comes out on DVD. Whenever I see anything about Big Love, I think of you, my BL buddy!