Its Whacky Weigh In Wednesday!

on 8/13/08 1:51 am - Los Angeles, CA


I will keep your hubby my thoughts and prayers today as he undergoes his treatment.


Without struggle, there is no progress.

Jean L.
on 8/12/08 11:24 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning one and all - I am so happy to have my computer back - now I just have to deal with getting all my files and such loaded back in.  As for my weigh in - I am down 1 lb this week for a total of 143 since surgery almost 1 year I am pretty dern happy with that and even happier to continue my journey into onderland.

ok now for a little secret - shhhhh....our own Monica P is having a birthday if you want to send her a little shout heres her link:

Ok everyone - have a great day and a great hump day.....time for a cup of coffee before I begin my task of finishing up with this computer mess.

(deactivated member)
on 8/13/08 2:14 am - Los Angeles, CA
Just have to say ... it was freakin' AWESOME to hang out with you and (finally) meet you at the impromptu coffee!! You're a rad chickie!!
on 8/12/08 11:47 pm - San Dimas, CA

Good morning Janine and everyone!!!

I am down 2lbs this week.  Not near as much as I would have liked to loose, but I have not had time to do my walking since last Thursday...almost a week!!!  That's not good!!  I will get back to my walking tonight!! 
Bur, I feel GREAT and I really like the way my close are fitting these days. 
walk, walk, loose, loose!!!  That's my motto!!!

Sue, I will keep you DH and your family in my prayers!!!

Just working and walking today!!!  Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!


on 8/13/08 12:09 am - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali crew

Weigh to go Julia You and I get to start the pureed foods today. Yeah!!!!!  I never in my whole life thought that pureed chicken would sound good to me, but when you've been sucking down jello and pudding for 3 weeks it seems like heaven.  I even made my food last night so it would be ready to take to work with me today.

I have lost 3 pounds this past week for a grand total of 27 pounds lost so far. 

Love this tool!   still hating the pain   but lovin the tool

Happy Wednesday to everyone

on 8/13/08 12:26 am - Inland Empire, CA
I'm weighing in at 161.8 ( a slight up swing from a couple of weeks ago when I weighed in at 161.4) It's probably too much salt.
christine mats
on 8/13/08 12:38 am - oceanside, CA

Good Morning Cali!

Happy Wednesday to all!
I'm down 3 lbs i lost that wanter weight and my monthly thing is over I feel back to normal somewhat so 168 isnt bad for right now I go up and down but pants fit great.

I need to start walking again but its so hard for me to do it in the morning and the path that i take is too hot in the evenings the beach is to crowded yes I'm coming up with excuses I just need to do it once I do I will so much better I know it ,,,

I had a dentist and Dr.s appointment yesterday that wasnt fun at all I dont like either but I do like the fact I didnt have to work so its a short week for me.
Well have a great day!


on 8/13/08 12:54 am - Northern (Sacramento area), CA


I only lost 1/2 pound BUT I am now at the lowest weight since surgery  YEAAAAAA!

I've had to take on another group at work and am transitioning/training with them, so I haven't been on OH all week, haven't been to the gym BUT am eating all the right things and to busy to think about grazing and all the other things that can cause a stall.

Although I"ve been to busy to get to the gym, I"m so glad I miss it.  I CAN'T WAIT to get back in there and start my workouts again.  I'm hoping Friday morning will allow me to get there and then a couple days next week.  My transition will be for about 6 may not be back on a regular routine during that tine.....but still glad I have'nt gone off the deep end with eating.

take care, and have a good hump day.

PEACE,   Harriet



on 8/13/08 12:56 am - Corona, CA
Good Morning All!  Over the last week I have lost 2 more lbs!  I need to fit in a workout so that I can keep it going!

Check out my Blog!                  

Marathon Diva
on 8/13/08 12:56 am - CA
Good Morning Janine & The Beautiful Cali Crew

Gotta my lil one to preschool and then its off to work

Have a Wonderful Wednesday everyone!!!

p.s. not gonna weigh 2day!

 "Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me


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