Novato Exercise Partner WANTED!
I live in Novato & am trying to meet more people in my area. I need to make some friends. I have lived in Novato for almost 5 years and still have no New friends. SAD! I want to get together with someone who wants to join a gym & exercise or something like that. I need to get out and do more.
I am married & have a 6 year old daughter. My husband & daughter are the only people I hang out with. It's not that I want to stop hanging out with them, I just need to find other people & things to do. I have the energy now to go go go & no one who wants to go go go with me!
LOL - So - let me know if this is something u could be interested in!
Sara - Novato, CA
(FYI - Novato is in Marin County. Above San Francisco & below Santa Rosa!)