Inquiring minds wanted to know...
Thank you Janine for asking...
I am good. Okay, I am better than good. For the first time since I started my journey almost 2 years ago, I am a couple of pounds lower than my lowest weight. I weighed 155 at my 1 year and today I weighed in at 153. Two pounds is two pounds! YEA me!
Frankly, it was freaking hard. I am an emotional eater and lately I had a few of those emotional things going on. Like the cardiologist saying my husband has a year to live, the oldest daughter being 18 (ugh that age) and heading off to Germany for the summer to work in a Child Care Development center on base at Stuttgart. But I finally took control and here I am.
So, I am better than good. Kind of proud actually. I have gotten more compliments lately than in a long time. Works for me.
My husband is doing pretty good. I seriously doubt that the (former) doctor knew what he is talking about. He does see the cardiologist at UC Davis once a month. His meds are basically a meal because he takes so many. His blood pressure is stable and everything else is starting to look good. Although today he got lightheaded and dizzy at cardio rehab and fell on the treadmill. But he's good.
My oldest daughter, Larisa is coming home from Germany on Saturday! She has been all over Germany and traveled to France, Italy, and the Netherlands. I am so excited.
My youngest daughter, Lexie is getting ready to see a dietician and has been watching what she eats and has lost 8 pounds. She is awesome.
I guess that's my update. I do promise to post more. If you met me you would never believe that I am kind of shy but I tend to not put myself "out there" as much as I should. Life is all about risks. Right?
Hugs, Lauren
I will keep your hubby in my prayers and hope that the doctor was wrong!! How scary for sure!!!
Praying that Larisa has a safe flight home! I'm sure she will be full of great stories. How lucky she is to have gotten to do this at such a young age!
Woo hoo for Lexie. Tell her Becky says way to go!!!
I just read on your profile that we have something in common... both of us were the smallest born in our family that ended up the one that is the biggest, UGH!!!! And I know your mom would be proud of you sweetie, just like mine is of me!!! She is looking down on you from Heaven and so happy to see the healthier and happier new you!!!
thanks for the update. bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Hi Becky,
Thank you for your kind words and prayers for Perry and Larisa. One can never have too many prayers.
I told Lexie and she said "Thank you." She made the decision to throw out all the "crap" food in the house and this time I know it will work.
Larisa is counting down the days until she comes home. She has some pretty amazing pictures on her myspace if you want to look. The Bastile Day ones of the Eiffel Tower are awesome.
I am pretty sure my mom would be proud of me too. She was always thin and gained weight later in life. She was never "fat" though. She would be pleased that I am healthy. LoL.. I am the smallest one now.
Huge Hugs,
Holy Moly posted girl!!!! YAY!!! I know you have had some serious curve balls thrown at you Lauren, but I am so happy to hear one about your weight....YIKES you tiny thing and then about how well your husband is doing in spite of the mishap at the cardio unit. I think you are right his other doctor was talking out of his rear it sounds like.
I know you must be super excited about your daughter coming home. I would seriously hate my kids leaving....when I moved here 8 years ago, I moved without my sons. It took 2 years to get them to move here and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Being shy....I am the same way...I seem out there, but it is sometimes hard for me to leave my comfy zone and I will act out there to cover how shy I really am! I am glad you put yourself out there and gave us a great update my friend!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I got the biggest giggle out of you saying I'm tiny.
Thank you!!!
I am a lot smaller than I have been since I was 14. I weighed 135 and then got pregnant with my son. I gained 80 pounds. Never got under 200 pounds until last year.
I am beyond excited about Larisa coming home. She is an amazing young woman. She sure has her head on her shoulders straight. I aksed her where she wanted to go first when she got off the plance and she said Starbucks and then the wharf in San Francisco. I guess Starbucks in Germany don't have the lemonade she likes and she said she couldn't think of a better place to be than withus and a ton of other people, the smell of the ocean and a bowl of clam chowder. Saturday will be here before I know it. YES!
Post more soon...