update on me
I'm glad you're with Elana... don't you just LOVE her?!
You had a frightening start... now, let that be past. Sleep away... and drink plenty of Arnica tea... and plenty of protein to heal. You're on the road to recovery. You'll hit your stride in no time and feel stronger and stronger each day. The moment you feel restless is the day you know you're on your way.
I'll call you at Elana's tomorrow.
I'm glad you're with Elana... don't you just LOVE her?!
You had a frightening start... now, let that be past. Sleep away... and drink plenty of Arnica tea... and plenty of protein to heal. You're on the road to recovery. You'll hit your stride in no time and feel stronger and stronger each day. The moment you feel restless is the day you know you're on your way.
I'll call you at Elana's tomorrow.
Hi Janel,
I'm so sorry you had to go through this but glad you're doing better. I hope you're not in too much pain. Take care of yourself and rest as much as possible. I know it sucks right now but in a few weeks you'll look back and say it was worth it.
I just love Elena and her staff, they are wonderful people. They took great care of me and I'm sure they are giving you the same great care. Tell Elena hello for me.
Keep us updated on how you're doing. Take care
I'm so sorry you had to go through this but glad you're doing better. I hope you're not in too much pain. Take care of yourself and rest as much as possible. I know it sucks right now but in a few weeks you'll look back and say it was worth it.
I just love Elena and her staff, they are wonderful people. They took great care of me and I'm sure they are giving you the same great care. Tell Elena hello for me.
Keep us updated on how you're doing. Take care
~*~ HaPpInEsS iS a JoUrNeY nOt A dEsTiNaTiOn ~*~
So very glad to see you posting on your own sweetie! You did give us quite the scare, but I know you are in great hands there and I'm sure the worst is behind you now. Let them take care of you and you just rest!!
Praying hard for you and hoping the end of the problems is in the past and stays there!!! bigg huggs, Becky
Praying hard for you and hoping the end of the problems is in the past and stays there!!! bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick