Happy Saturday Cali!

Janine J.
on 8/8/08 10:27 pm, edited 8/8/08 10:33 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Good Morning to all of you in Ohland and a happy Saturday to all of you!

I want to thank you for all the well wishes. I do not know what is wrong with me,but I think it has been because of the weather that is causing the headaches. The heat, the humidity, the rain....the pressure is all over the place in the atmosphere and it is more my sinus that cause the headaches that made me barf one day this week...however this morning I am not as bad. Now poor Jeff is getting a rotten summer cold...he thinks he got it from having to go to jury duty which he had to sit around for 3 days and then get dismissed.

I want to know how many of you watched the opening ceremony for the Olympics? I feel asleep, but I have to tell you what I did see was nothing less than spectacular. Like Gene, I usually do no****ch the opening, but had a strange curiousity for this one. They said there were like 15,000 performers ( I know a drop in the bucket compared to their population!). It was perfectly choreographed and as the commentators said there were no people you could directing them. It was truly amazing....I was really taken a back with the one scene of the Chinese blocks that appeared to be on som sort of electronic doings and only to find out that it was all people under the blocks making them work. China really out did themselves and if I was Chinese citzen, I would have been very proud of my country for their performance of a lifetime!

Okay onwards and upwards....the board is a tither with activity and I do not know how well I can do a shout out this morning, but here it goes:

Gene...first of all good luck and have loads of fun tonight playing at the club. I wish I could see you perform, but it is so difficult getting out at night so far away. You know you ought to see if your band can perform at the OH convention in October...that would be super cool!

Diane....I am sooooooooooooooooo sorry to hear that not only did you take a nose dive...and what were you thinking? But your sister breaking her ankle too? I feel so bad for all of you. I wish we could get together before I go back to school....maybe I can join you on Sunday with Lisa. Just a thought! Lot of prayers and love go out to you and your family.

Monica P....OMG the bridesmaid thing....you are too cool and I am so happy for you not only changing sizes so dramatically, but the fact that you are so high on yourself. That is just priceless!

Vicki I know that you are not going to be here much, but I am so happy for you and your family that you are finally going to have your man home. At 1 today we are going to hear you all over the state jumping up and down with excitement!

Monica W....I sure hope that all goes well and that you are able to succesfully get your extension for your credential. I know that sometimes they can be sticklers, but you do have an excuse with the baby and all!

Terry aka Horselover....I am still praying that your niece is getting better each day. She is in a good hospital and I am sure with time and lots of good meds she will be on the mend! Hope you are doing okay too!

Lisa B....you are sports ho ho LOL you crack me up!!! Not to mention a BB fan. I was going to tape the season, but forgot to do so...so I would not understand what is going on if I was to watch it now! Lets try and arrange something so we can all meet up at Dianes. We could bring her lunch or something if Sunday does not work out.

Jean...glad to hear that you are on the mend and that you got your wall painted! See it was not that hard eh? Loved you hit the MAC counter. I have not makeup shopped for a while now....I started wearing it different to wear I only do eye shadow for my liner...it looks way cool and actually lasts longer than the pencil does. I only use a very dark charcoal as I need as much as I can get to pop my eyes....I do not have the pretty big eyes like you!

Jodi...you are going to be one busy chick with your garden getting it ready for the upcoming season. It will all be good...and glad to hear that you are protecting yourself out in the sun! Some meds make you burn super easy...I just know that when I have taken meds that say stay out of sun...I just get browner LOL OH btw...I use to be a diehard AMC fan....but somehow I lost interest...sure changed when I see it now!

Steve...I know you have gone through a really rough spot in life this past nearly 2 months. I am glad like your family was able to stay and really get your mother through all of this. I know it cannot be easy on all of you, but speaking from a mothers point of view...I cannot imagine losing a child no matter what age they are! I hope you have a good relaxing weekend puttering in your yard.

Linda, I hope you do not get too discouraged. I know sometimes after surgery you will feell like you took one step forward only to take two steps backwards. It does get easier and I do hope that your doc figures out what is up with that pain.

Julia...how are you feeling too? I do not remember seeing you post lately.

Rhonda I am glad to hear that you are doing well also! I am impressed with the homeschooling and all you do!

Sue hope you have a relaxing weekend in spite of having to do the normal family chores and errands. Give Miss Sammi a big smooch from grammy neen. I thought of her when my dil brought me this huge Hello Kitty sticker book. I am use some of the stickers for Ava on this little rocking chair I am painting for her in hot pink!

Jeni...are you so super excited to get the hell out of dodge and just get some R&R from life so to speak? I know you are going to have a great time and you so deserve a good vacation. Maybe when you get back you will find out some GOOD news....I am ordering the good news fairy to sprinkle some good juju your way gf!

UserLisa...don't worry about not losing weight. I had a very hard time losing it seemed. I would go weeks without dropping weight and then poof...a whole bunch would just fall off. Just keep following your docs orders and you will do great!

Miss LuLu I sure hope you are not getting an URI...that sucks....I bet it is so easy picking up crap working in the ER....and nothing worse if you ask me is getting a cold like stuff in the summer....tell Fresser to lick all the bad stuff away...now that ought to make you feel better!

Ms Shells...I am sure you are pooped climbing all those stairs. It if very difficult for me to climb stairs with my hip problems and to think of doing that all at once! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!

Christine M....hope you had a blast last night and got to shake that bootie of yours! You deserve a good break...all work and no play I am sure makes for a very grumpy Christine!

So Nikki are you just downright boobalicious???LOL I know it is uncomfortable all the bandages and truthfully it sucks even more in the summer. I bet you are so excited to see them in the right place! REmember to follow your docs orders and let people help you Miss Selfsufficient!

ShellsBells you are doing downright fantastic! I read your stats...and OMG you are melting girl! You just keep on doing what you are doing and the the inches and pounds are just going to PEEL off!! I am so happy for you!

Webby it is so great seeing you post again. WOOHOO on you for winning the bucks for your class. I know a lot of people went to the casino's yesterday around these necks of the woods as it was supposed to be a lucky day with the 8-8-08 thingie. My friend told me her friend won nearly 3,000 yesterday on video poker! Hope Ms C is doing well with your PT.

Katt is great that you heard from your uncle again! I know that had to make you happy. Hope the relationship picks up and will flourish with work. YAY couple of days now until the cast comes off!

Jan you are doing fantastic on your wl. Sometimes it is hard getting out of your routine when you are so dedicated to it at this point in your life. You can go back to it when your folks leave and you are done being tour guide! Peddle to the metal girl and rock that tool!

Tasha...life does get better post op for sure. You are doing great and all the creepy feelings will subside and the snapping at people will too. Lots of changes are going on with you in your body...hormones play a big role in it because of all the Estrogen that is stored in fat. Just hang in there and tell you family that this too will pass. I am sure they are understand because you have gone through such a life changing experience.

Chris S....OMG identity theft...what a horrible thing. I am sorry also that your dil has work difficulty because I thought things would go better for you and you would get your house back! Something good needs to come your way soon!

Chris R....didnt you say there was a birthday party for one of your grandchildren or something? How did it go? And what is shakin up there in Antioch? I am serious in a blur about the boards since I did not read them too much this week really.

Has anyone heard how Janel B did with surgery yet? I am sure she is going to be so pleased about the results!

Kim aka Madame Butterfly...how is that sexy new body of yours doing? What did Dr. Q say on Thursday...inquiring minds want to know!

Miss Puddin Kim....how is all the biking doing? Deathgripe....you crack me up. I bet your legs are really starting to get some muffles from all that biking!!!

Catt...OMG your new board pic....you sexy mama!!! I love it!

Crysti...speaking of board pics....I did not recognize myself either LOL Thanks for the compliment...sweet of you!

Okay Lauren Marie...you re making me tired with all the activities you had planned....I think you will have to go back to work to get some rest girl!

Liz R....when are you going to get a day off work? I am pissed to hear that the Goobernator cute Chucks and the rest of CA state workers pay. I did not see that buttafucco taking a pay cut or his kids suffering because fo the state budget cuts to education...oh yeah and poor Maria growing up as a Kennedy with the silver spoon in her mouth. I am sorry, but cutting state employee wages to minimum wages has to be one of the worst all time bad decision a politician could make. I hope he will hang himself over this one! Really praying things take a turn around for you and all the others...and get some rest sweetie!

Hey Darlene...gone ORANGE yet????hehehehehe

Lola....did I ever mention how much I love your name? I just think it is just one of those names that feels good to say...plus it always reminds me of that song...I can't remember who sings it either LOL. So did you get your rest and your swim in or visa versa? I am telling you the humidity and heat out here in the desert has been off the hook for us. I am talking 70 degree dew point and higher! I think I can honestly say I am looking forward to the fall and drying out...this is a bad summer for all!

Well now that I wrote a small novel....I just want you all to know that I cannot remember it all....but I try and know that all of you are important. Newbies keep on posting and people take care of yourselves...remember why you had this surgery....it was not to push the envelope...it was meant to turn your life around with your relationship with food and live a healthy new lifestyle! Get tha****er and walking in and do something today that puts a smile on your face and in your heart!

Hopefully back to bed for a while before Miss Ava arrives......


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 



“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jean L.
on 8/8/08 10:57 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and all
As always you did the awesome shout out....you truly are the bomb lady.

Not alot planned today - other than LB coffee and some errands after that.

Need to go get some new sheets and such as I am getting a new bed on Monday (King Size) and I need sheets - I have a full now.....so its off to Linens and Things for me.  Then to Kohls to return a pair of capri's that I have never worn and still have the tags and lo and behold they are to big - never even got to wear them....oh well good thing I save all my receipts.....

Everyone have a great weekend and lots of hugs to all
on 8/8/08 11:28 pm, edited 8/8/08 11:51 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.  I hope you keep lots of saline spray to keep those sinuses clear. Today we will venture to coffee for a quick bit because it near an errand I need to run.  All the other errands are in the opposite direction and I will do them with mom later.

Ugh I have ants and I can't figure out where they are coming from.  They really freak me oout and make me itchy.

Oh and I just had to add that I too watched the opening ceremony and was awed by the precision of those people with the blocks and everything else they did. The lighting of the tourch was incredible.  I bow to the Chineses they rocked it.

Everyone enjoy the day


(deactivated member)
on 8/8/08 11:56 pm - Garden Grove, CA
RNY on 01/23/08 with

Not sleeping too well last night so I'm up and typing already.  I really need the rest too because we have a huge 50th anniversary party down in Dana Point for my Aunt and Uncle tonight.  I need to go out and get my nails and toes done sometime today and all I want to do is sleep..............but sleep won't cooperate.

Great news is I found this gorgeous dress at Torrid yesterday.  Very trendy with straps the tie behind the back of my neckThe dress is black and then fades into a strip of white around my thighs then fades again into HOT pink around my knees.  Now I hate shopping, but I can honestly say that buying a size 16 (down from at very tight 24----in some cases a 26) was awesome.  Then to put on a dress that screams out "look at me" and to honestly feel good about how it looks on me was just the best experience.  I honestly can't wait to put this dress on for the party tonight and I haven't felt that way in a long time.

So my nails will have to be hot pink with a black line for the french tip.  Harley is going to where black pants and a black button up shirt with a hot pink tie.  We will be perfectly matched. 

I haven't seen any of my family except my mom since losing 84 pounds and many haven't seen Harley since losing over 400 pounds..........so this is going to be a fun night all around.  We WILL get pics to post here.

Hope everyone else is going to have a great weekend here in Sunny California.

on 8/8/08 11:46 pm - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
Well I saw the PA yesterday and got all unwrapped and got to see the new girls for the first time. The first words out of my mouth were I have nipples and they arent facing my knees, lol. It felt so good to have all the wrapping gone, just a sports bra 24/7 for the next 2 weeks. The PA says everything looks good, still lots of restrictions, but that is why mom is here everyday. Glad she only lives 1.5 miles away. I am behaving and doing as little as possible. If I even think it is too much I dont do it. Have a couple errands today that I have to do, other than that didnt sleep well last night so I think it will be a rest and nap type day. Atleast Monday I can drive so a little more self sufficent come then.
I am glad you are feeling better and wish this weather would cooperate for you!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

Jodi W
on 8/8/08 11:50 pm - SIMI VALLEY, CA





Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

on 8/9/08 12:35 am
Orange? boy howdy......I'm at a stand still right now, out of paint, have to go and get more sometime this weekend, I need to get this job done before I go back to work so I can get all my belongins off the patio before winter and it starts raining......

I called you yesterday afternoon, did your hubby tell you? had something interesting to FYI you on.....let me know a good time this weekend to call back....

My grand daughter says I'm painting Halloween colors, she goes " oh grammy, scarrrrrrryyyyy".
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 8/9/08 12:37 am - Long Beach, CA
Janine, glad to hear you are feeling better.  It's hard enough to deal with the heat as it is.  Not too much going on other than looking forward to seeing folks at LB coffee this morning and trying to stay cool.  Maybe a trip to an air conditioned mall is in order...
on 8/9/08 1:14 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Morning Janine and all!

Have you tried a Netti Pot? Or, there's a natural saline nasal spray available as well... it's called Ocean something. Helps with the swelling. I've never has such bad sinuses until I moved to the desert. This climate is so harsh.

Dr. Q was pleased as pie! I have pics to prove it... had my pic taken with Dr. Quiroz, Joyce and our dear Janel! I'll need to post them on my page.

Dr. Q wants me to come back in three weeks. I was supposed to return to work this coming Monday, but no go. He's releasing me in two weeks... ALRIGHT BY ME!!! I have one stitch which he'll need to do a local on and release it. Everything seems to be healing up nicely now. I'm surprised actually. The two spots which are draining are beginning to close up thanks to the 'honey bear.'
I've been eating very high protein and know this has helped me. Dr. Q would still like to see a few more pounds on me... as long as I'm where I'm at or five higher is good with me. I'm still stiff and swell if I sit or stand for too long and I'm sore, only NOT like before. I'm able to do more and more each day and feel SO much stronger. This week has been amazing as recovery goes. I actually feel like Kim again and can't wait to get to the gym. I did a little walking yesterday.

I was able to drive the car yesterday to drop the roommte off at a car rental for her trip to San Francisco. My boyfriend, Barry, was in town last weekend... his jaw dropped!!! Wish I was feeling like I am now... we could have done more while he was here... instead I was a lump... and he catered to me. Afterall it was my birthday and our anniversary... tee-hee. He's a sweetie even after all these years. Wish the flight prices would drop, then we could see each other on our regular schedule. Ugh!

Today, I'm off to Starbucks and Marshalls and a few other stops if I'm up to it. Don't want to pay the price with swelling.

Take care all!

Janel had her lbl and arms done yesterday. Today she should arrive at Casa de Lilas for her aftercare. Told her I'd call her early in the week and she was delighted. I enjoyed seeing her and andswered any other questions she had. I'm glad I was there to help as she's a wonderful person! I know Dr. Q will do a great job on her transformation. She's in good hands. She had emailed me the night before surgery after I saw her and she was thrilled she was given the best room at Elana's! Please keep her in your thoughts!


highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 8/9/08 1:19 am - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine

You did an awesome shout out today.  You amaze me I hope those darn headaches go away.  I know how miserable they can be. Thanks for support.  I know that it will get better, and I have never regretted what I did, I just want the burning pain to go away

I am looking forward to LB coffee this morning, and then I am hangin out with my son and daughter. 

My son drove in from AZ yesterday as a total surpriseI was so excited to see him I just hugged him and started crying.  I can't beleive it.  I haven't seen him in almost a year.  He will be here until Monday. So I am going to cherish every moment that he is here

I hope everyone has a great weekend.
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