Happy TGIF Gang!

on 8/8/08 2:39 am - Vallejo, CA
Mornin' Janine and Crew!

I have been kind of M.I.A. this week as I have been at home getting myself and the house ready for me to be gone for two weeks! I fly out tonight to San Jose for a week of testing and interviewing for new jobs, and then on the 17th I fly from SJ to Texas to meet my mom, hang out with her for a few days for her bday (the 19th) and then on the 20th I start the long drive home in my new (to me!) car!

It makes me tired just to think about it! LOL

Looks like there were some great goings on this week that I missed, so, a quick congrats to everyone who needs/deserves them, , some support to everyone/anyone who needs it, and *hugs* and to everyone!

Oh! Yesterday was my 3 month surgiversary! I will be posting momentarily about that...and then I gotta get back to work!

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a great weekend! I probably wont be around too much next week, as I am not taking my computer with me on this trip, once I get to my moms though, I can easily use hers.


webdz9r S.
on 8/8/08 3:06 am - Yellow Brick Road, CA
Good mid morning Ms Janine.  My friday was yesterday and I needed it on Wed.  But it is sunny and getting warm.  Took Ms C to PT today for her arm.  She is doing better.  Won 100.00 at the casino last night and now I can pay for a class this semester without digging for the money in the sofa cushions.  That is good cuz I don't wanna tell you what I have found in them. 

Vickie.. saw your post and thought what an excellent friend you are to remember to say thank you to everyone.  I wasn't w/all of you this past yr but you were always in my thoughts. There are a great bunch of people here to listen to you, hold your hand and party with when you can. 

I hope all of you have a great weekend and go do something for yourself.  Me... I'll be in the pool alot since it is getting hot.  Guess that is why they say, "Hot Summer Nights" in August.




Katt M.
on 8/8/08 3:11 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning and Happy TGIF Janine and the Cali Crew!!

Janine, I sure hope you're feeling better. I have suffered with migraines since I was 17 years old. They are not fun. Take care of yourself.

Nothing much planned for the weekend. Grocery shopping tonight. A drive to my mother-in-law's tomorrow. She is selling her computer, so Matthew has reformatted it and needs the rest of her software and the printer. Sunday is church.

I got an unexpected, out of the blue phone call last night. My uncle called. He is my dad's youngest brother. He's been like a dad to me since my dad passed away 12 years ago. He walked me down the aisle when Matthew and I renewed our vows in 2001. We got into a war of words right before Christmas in 2006 and I hadn't heard from him since. I had tried calling him, but the numbers that I had were disconnected. I'd written to him, but he never responded until last night. I was imagining all sorts of things that could have happened to him and I never would have known. I was sooo happy to hear from him last night. We're probably going to go see him next weekend.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Remember to stay cool and stay hydrated. =)

Oh, only 3 days and counting until I get the cast off and get out of the wheelchair!!! Woooohoooooo!!!! LOL
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
G. Daddy
on 8/8/08 3:57 am - San Gabriel, CA
Happy Friday everyone! It sure seems like time is speeding up as it gets closer to September and getting back to work!

Busy weekend planned - Olymic Opening Ceremonies tonight! I've never cared before but for some reason I'm interested this year! Then tomorrow morning we're meeting with a contractor for having our kitchen done - scary! Tomorrow night I'm playing with my cover band, CoverStory, at a The Toast Restaurant & Bar in Woodland Hills - 9pm-1am - come out and play!

Sunday is always busy - church in the morning then going to my friend's baseball game in the afternoon - he's playing for one of the Cleveland Indians lower division teams - it's fun to watch - last week he hit a home run out of the park and into a window of a house! Yikes!

Ok.. I'm gone!

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

Kirsten :-)
on 8/8/08 6:01 am - Agoura Hills, CA

We'll see you tomorrow!!!!  :-)

G. Daddy
on 8/8/08 9:00 am - San Gabriel, CA
Yee-Fricken-Haw! Bring a crowd!!!

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

on 8/8/08 4:05 am - Hesperia, CA
Hi Janine and all of you California Friends. My weekend will be spent getting kids ready for school to start on Monday.  I have two going to regular school and 2 will stay with me and be homeshcooled. So I have a lot to prepare for Monday.  Getting all their books in order making sure I have enough supplies etc.  Set the schedules on their doors so they know what they have to do and when etc.  I will have to start getting up at 6:00 so I can have a half hour to myself before I get the kids up.  Monday is going to be busy!  So I better try and get as much rest as I possible can before then.  Well that is all for me.  Wish I could join the SAT. group for coffee, but maybe next time.  You gals going out dancing have a ball. And you enjoy yourself Vicki!  Take care all.  Happy playing, planting, dancing, coffeeing, resting, working, or what ever your plans are.  ?Rhonda
Diane C.
on 8/8/08 5:33 am - Highland, CA
Good afternoon folks. 

Oh do I wish I had just a headache.  I would even take one of my mirgraines over this crap.  But thw world just keeps on revolving, even tho I want it to stop so I can get off.   So here is the latest, I took a header on Monday morning about 4:30 am.  I tried to get up off the recliner without putting the foot rest down and well, I didn't make it.  Hurt my shoulder which was only 6 days out of surgery, and then landed right smack dab on my left knee, the new one, that was replaced in Feb.  SO to say the least, OUCH!!!!!  Then on top of it all, my sister, the one that had just came here and vacumned my house, broke her ankle at work.  She left a little later than usual to pick me up from the doctors office, I still do not drive, she came hoppin in on one leg.  She really screwed it up.  Now she is planning on changing her doctor to the guy that did my shoulder, and see if she needs to have surgery before they cast it, or what the deal is.  Just wanted to know that there is alot of pain out there for alot of us.  I read the boards and I am so sorry that I can't get on here more and give more support, but know that I am reading and I am supporting you all.

 Ahhhh my pain meds are finally kicking in.  It takes me 3 hours to get ready to go to therapy.  I only have 4 1/2 more weeks of this sling thing, and 4-6 months of therapy.  Now that is IF they don't have to go back in and see if I tore anything when I fell. 

Vicki, I CANNOT be happier 4 U and the kids.  I hope someday to meet you all.  Jodi, stay out of the sun, but do enjoy all that beautiful gardening you have done.  Steve, I miss you guys!!!  Nikki, thank you for the shout for me through Lisa, I will make sure that she hugs me for you.  I am so happy for you, and pray that you become more comfortable.   Lisa I really hope that I see you Sunday.  I miss you 2!  But if you can't make it don't worry, I am going to have Doug take me out this week to see if I can drive efficently enough to go out alone.  Have FUN in San Diego.    Anyone I missed I am sorry, I read all the posts this morning, and hope we all have a great weekend.

Love 2 all, Diane
Lisa B
on 8/8/08 5:44 am - Riverside, CA
Hi Honey...

I am glad to see you posting...but I am gonna have to smack you for typing such a long note...

I too wish you only had a headache...that would be WAY better than the crap you are going through...

I totally want to see this weekend at some point...if not Sunday, then definatly Monday!!! I need my Diane chat session...in person!!!

Take it easy...love you lots!

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

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