Thank you! (warning...LONG)
I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the last year plus of Mike’s deployment and thank everyone that has been there for me. Whether it was through comments, texts, emails, phone calls, just BEING there for me, etc….
To Lynn: You have been a daily reminder to me of what a great friend truly is~ your daily texts to see how I was holding up, your daily prayers with your students for Mike and his safety, your willingness to open up your home to me that first weekend after he left (and several other times) where you sat with me while I cried and cried, to yours and Chele’s generosity on the cruise, your coming down to San Diego to hang out with me…I could go on and on. You are one of the warmest, kindest and truly OUTSTANDING people that I have ever known.
To my San Diego girls (Nikki, Dana, Rita, Christine, Becky): Nikki, thank you for allowing me to escape from my parents house on those several different occasions so that you and the other girls could take me out for a night on the town. Those were truly some of the most fun nights out that I have ever had! Dana, thanks for our date on the beach and our times at the Alamo….watch out for those bears. Rita and Christine- you girls are TOO much and I love you! Becky, thanks for being our DD and hanging out with us. It was fun dancing with you.
To my Central Valley girls (Marta, Anici, Jenn, Nay): Marta, you will always be a part of our family, whether you like it or not! Hee hee. But, really- thank you for our slumber parties, my bday, lunches…etc~sooo many things! (even WITH my kids!) Anici, thank you for all of your messages of support, humor, love and the lunches that you bought for me and the kids. Jenn, thank you for always supporting us. I wish cir****tances were different and that both of your loved ones could be home as well. Nay, I thank you for inviting me to your wedding and getting to share in your special day with you. That was one hell of a wedding!
To my “sisters”: I thank you for those early days after Mike left that we could all get together in chat and just be 12 year olds. Those were some much needed laughs. We need to do it again….
To K10: You are one special lady and I am so glad that we have had the chance to become friends, spend some
time together and share some laughs~ even with you being in flippin’ Missouri! Thanks to you and John for your thoughts and prayers (and even the lady from the other night that you said was crying about our situation.) Love you!
To my friends on the world wide web: I can’t possibly name all of you that have left me comments or messages of support during this time, but do know that each and every one of them helped me through over the past year and I am deeply thankful for all of you. Janine~ I want to especially thank you for doing the daily shout outs. There were days when it seemed like no one really cared, but you always had something to say to me. I also would like to thank you again for ALL of your help to me in my art class! Without your help, I KNOW that I would not have gotten such a good grade!
To my in-laws: Some of the best people on the planet and I am so lucky that I have married into such a great group of caring people.
Sheesh, I had honestly only meant for this to be a quick little thing- but in true Vicki fashion, I just couldn’t! HAAA Thanks for reading this far. I am off to bed to get some much needed rest for Mike to come home tomorrow. You all probably won’t see me for a while, but I will be back.
edited to get it all cleaned up!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
Vicki I have said it more than once to are one strong lady and have had to endure a lot. I super admire your strength, your committment to your family and the great love you have for Mike and your children. I could not be happier for both of getting your husband back safe and sound and him coming home safe and sound!
I wish you both so much happiness and may your love for each other and your family grow stronger each moment!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Jenn ~ Obesity Help Support Group Coach~
**In Memory of My Son PFC Jeffrey A. Avery KIA Iraq 4/23/07 **
If you can't stand behind our Troops feel free to stand in front of them!

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~

So glad your man is home. His homecoming reminded me of a time when Phil came home off of deployment. The ship was pulling in and he was at the rail. The kids were little then and Phil spotted us, we all waved and then I set Ethan down and he walked away. Phil started clapping wildly and got teary. Ethan wasn't walking when he left. He'd missed his first steps along with a million other things. I know your how much you and your family sacrifices. I don't take it lightly. THANK YOU, chica and your family...