WHOOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!! JESSIE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

But not thrilled that Michelle won HOH...thats not going to be good at all!
The red suit...well on Tuesday night they showed the Power of Veto competition...and the players won various prizes and then they were able to keep the prize they won, or steal one from another houseguest...well Michelle originally won an Hawaiian vacation, but then Libra was the overall big winner of the competition and won the red suit...and of course she traded it...which was Michelle's vacation...and part of the deal was whover ended up with the suit had to wear it all week...not fun.

But not thrilled that Michelle won HOH...thats not going to be good at all!
The red suit...well on Tuesday night they showed the Power of Veto competition...and the players won various prizes and then they were able to keep the prize they won, or steal one from another houseguest...well Michelle originally won an Hawaiian vacation, but then Libra was the overall big winner of the competition and won the red suit...and of course she traded it...which was Michelle's vacation...and part of the deal was whover ended up with the suit had to wear it all week...not fun.
Hi Liz! That wonderful red suit goes back a few season's - I think Jen was the first person to wear it in BB8 - frankly, I think she wore it best!
But that's another story for another day! Last season was Sheila, the old lady-ex-penthouse-playmate... this season is Michelle... my wife thinks the suit will be infected with some type of disease from Michelle wearing it!
Wonder who will wear it next season!!
C h e e r s,

Wonder who will wear it next season!!
C h e e r s,
Hi Liz
btw... i got the message about the dr. moving. just been to busy to get on the phone even. boarder problems and my brothers father in-law passed away so been kind a crazy. sorry I haven't called, but never fear , when my head catches up with my body I will call.
That red leotard is a punishment so to speak. just be thankful none of the guys have had to wear it.. lol
I don't know about anybody else but LIBRA needs to GO. she puts her own spin on everything and most of the time it's a lie. I am so glad that Jesses is gone.
take care all