Aug 20th, 2008
Here's what I'm allowed to eat:
Pudding, cream soup,jello, popcycles, cream of wheat, and a variety of protien supplements. All of the fallowing both sugar free and fat free.
I'm already feeling sad, tired and stressed about getting this right and the thoughts of if this is the right thing to go through. Am I going to be sad all the time?... Will it get easier?... becuase right now I'm wanting to have dinner with the family, but it looks like it's cream of wheat for me.
I need some motovation please!.. Thank You.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Congratulations on getting your date! Hang in there!
I too am on my 2 week manditory pre-op diet! Consider yourself lucky - for breakfast I get a protein shake, 1/4 c cottage cheese and 1 slice whole wheat bread. For lunch I get another protein shake, 1 oz low fat cheese, 1 wasa cracker and 1/2 serving fruit. Dinner - 1 lean cuisine meal under 300 calories and a salad with raw veggies and fat free dressing. That's it. Yes, I am about to start gnawing my fingers off!
It's all worth it. Think of all the wonderful things you will be able to do with ease and pain free! Consider being able to stand up and bend at the waist and tie your shoes!
You're "mourning" the food you want to eat but have been told not to. You will soon be able to eat "real" food!
Smile, take a deep breath and relax! Everything will be fantastic!