Good Morning Thursday Morning Cali

on 8/7/08 2:14 am - Los Angeles, CA
Janine and Cali,

Janine-sorry you are not feeling well.  Please take care of yourself.

Cali-not much going on with me.  Last night, went for a bike ride at Venice beach.  I have noticed that my handlebar death grip is loosening up.  This morning, left out early to go to the lab for bloodwork.  Only  9 more days before Midnight Madness in San Diego.

Take care.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 8/7/08 2:18 am - Hesperia, CA
Goodmorning to Janine and all you Cali friends

I am so shocked on how well I am doing!  As of this morning I am now 21lbs. down.  That is like 7 lb.s a week since I started with the shakes.  I feel pretty good too.  Very little pain actually.  I pinched a nerve in my back before surgery trying to use that weed eater thing and still trying to recoupe from that.  I am up and about and feeling very very good.  I have gotten down 60 grams of protein for the past two days and going to try for 90 today.   I think I did a bad thing yesterday though.  I was hungry in the late afternoon so I cut off a 1oz peice of cheese. (I even weighed it).  and I spent the next 1/2 hour knawing at that.  It was delicious and really filled me up.  I was again shocked but I felt guilty because I am supposed to stay on these liquids until next Monday when I know I will be put on soft foods, which cheese will be included.  So that is my confession of the day.  You all enjoy your day and I will be saying a prayer for Janine for your migrains.

Jeni H.
on 8/7/08 11:27 am
Wow!  You are doing great!!!  Well I mean in the weight loss.....I'm sorry about your pinched nerve.  I know that has to have hurt.
Take care!  Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 8/7/08 2:19 pm - Long Beach, CA
Rhonda, your a brave woman.  My Dr. has me on "full liquids for 3 weeks" then i switch to pureed for 3 more weeks, then soft foods.  I cant beleive your already trying things like cheese.  Be careful.  I know what you mean about being tired of liquids.  I have been on them for two weeks now. But I know it won't be forever and I want the best possible outcome, so I am doing everything my Dr. Says.  Funny how the same surgery but so many different instructions from different docs.

take care
on 8/7/08 2:26 am, edited 8/7/08 2:27 am - Clovis, CA
Good morning, boys and girls! I have to go to the dermatologist this morning, so I had to get up early. Yuck! I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but for the last week or week and a half, I have had a hell of a time getting up in the mornings. It's like no matter how long I sleep, I'm still exhausted. It sucks and it's starting to irritate the hell outta me!

Today is Friday ... For me! ... I'm kinda glad, but at the same time - it's gonna be a CrAzY weekend! Friday (tomorrow - the REAL Friday!) is Laundry Day, waiting around at my sister's house for my niece's birthday balloons to be delivered, Bunco, and then helping my sister decorate after the girls go to bed that night. Saturday is my niece's fifth birthday party and POSSIBLY a ride-along (that's still up in the air) ... And Sunday, my sister and I are supposed to take our stepdad and my nieces up to Sequoia for the day. Getting up for work Monday morning is gonna be rough - I'm gonna be worn out!

Well, time to hit the blowdryer ... Hope you all have a beautiful and blessed day!
In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake.
on 8/7/08 2:30 am - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
Well sounds to me like you are getting some wicked migraines. I used to get them all the time, I was actually on daily meds to keep they controlled. Luckily since surgery I have recently been able to go off them and not had a single migraine. Maybe you should see the Dr about some Imitrex. If you dont want to go that route, stay in a nice cool(yes I know easier said than done) dark room, cool cloth to head and rest/sleep the best you can!!
As for me I am feeling better today. I think finding a pain pill that let me get my regular sleep helped a lot. Not to mention my own bed, even if I am proped up on 3 pillows. Hope that part ends Friday when I see the PA. Also cannot wait to get all this padding gone, ugh not comfortable at all. I expected the pain but not the general extreme discomfort, pain I can handle better. I know it will all be worth it, but I told my mom you know whenever I get my tummy done you are going to have to STAY here right.....Her response, no **** lol!!!! Doing better everyday, hey I can sit up at the computer with too much discomfort so that is a plus!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay cool, try to tolerate the humidity and drink. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!
And thank you again everyone for all the well wishes/prayes/jujus/whatever you do I know just thinking that many people care is helping. My mom was amazed, but like I told her, we are all one big family, even if we havent all met in person yet!!!



Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

chris R.
on 8/7/08 2:43 am, edited 8/7/08 2:54 am - Antioch, CA
Happy Thursday Janine & Cali Crew,
 I am so sorry you are fighting that darn headache, please rest and then rest again!!!
    Today and tomorrow will be busy, my grandson turned 3 and this Sat is his party.  Guess who is doing his cake, ME- it has been a long time since I have attempted to decrorate a cake.  I use to work for a bakery and decorate wedding cakes etc... it is a very time consumeing job and then after all of your hard work, everyone eats it!!!! It will be a spiderman cake which happens to be pretty detailed so it will probably take me today and tomorrow. So today I am rounding up everything I need and then I have to make a few trips to get some supplies.  

  Diane C- if you are reading this ya
  Kim- have a great vacation!!!
  Jodi- are you plantin today????
  Jean, I know how hard today will be for
  Lisa, how did the lay-off go? BB10  2 nite
Best of luck to all the pre-ops and post-ops.............Weigh to go!!!!
                             Make it a great day,       Chris R.
Lisa B
on 8/7/08 1:47 pm - Riverside, CA
Hey Miss Chris!!!
The layoff...well it didn't! The pain in the butt guy went to HR with some legal crap against the company and i am now playing the game until tomorrow and HR will be letting him go tomorrow...yippie! He has been such a pain!!!!
BB is on right now..but I am TIVOing it...and my daughter and I will watch it about 10:00 tonight when she gets home...geez I hope Jessie goes home...I am soooooooooo sick of him!!!!
Thanks for asking good to see you ya!!!

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

Monica P.
on 8/7/08 3:03 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with

Good Morning Janine, Good Morning California!

IT'S COFFEE THURSDAY!  Every Thursday morning after my morning workout with my trainer I reward myself with a cup of coffee. It's the highlight of my day and the prime motivator for waking up on Thursday.

Today's coffee: Havanna espresso

I went to the ballet last night, it was so beautiful.  I want to be a dancer! Maybe I'll take a dance class after the 'running' bug is out of my system.

Tonight I'm off to buy a bridesmaid dress for a wedding next month. I'm so excited to be a normal bridesmaid and not the chubby bridesmaid who tried to squeeze into the dress. I want to show some leg too. :)

The coffee is kicking in,  WOO HOO!

Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

on 8/7/08 3:38 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
I hope you feel better soon, Janine.

I'm off to CosMed this afternoon for my follow-up. Dr. Quiroz is taking out some stitches out of my back. Don't know if I'll need any more follow-ups after this. I'm taking off early cause Janel has an appointment one hour before me. Hope to meet up with the gals there.

Yep, put on a size 4 pant! Of course my top is larger now, lols...

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