Good Morning Thursday Morning Cali
My honey has a couple of appts today, and only appt I have is to get a fill and a pedicure! I think that's a fine way to start a vacation. Then need to pick up a few things at the store, and start packing the vehicle up. Our plan is to leave around 3:30 tomorrow morning. Want to get thru the LA traffic and up to my brothers home in Sherman Oaks. Hang out there a little bit, they haven't seen me since a month post op, so this will be a nice wow moment for all...Heading to Paso Robles after that and then will stay the night in Morgan Hill just S of San Jose. I already miss my bad little
. My buddy from work, Kel is going to come over and feed them, but I wish someone was here to stay with them...oh well,they're cats, they'll be fine. Anyhow, after Morgan Hill we head to Big Basin Redwoods to
Ya'll take good care and be good while I'm gone! No internet for a week, how while I survive? LOL xo Kim
Morning Cali!!
One more wake up day to the weekend WOOO HOOO!! yes I'm looking forward to this weekend time to get out and have some fun ,,
work has been crazy so i'm just taking it hour by hour and hope everything works out by the end of the day ,, LOL
now i'm looking forward to the end of September when i get another week vacation so i can hang in there a little longer ,,
Have a great day everyone ,,,

Janine sorry to hear you are feeling a little under the weather.

I have been soooo tired latly...just not getting enough sleep..

Today is work and just as busy as yesterday.
Thank God tomorrow is Friday!!

Hope everyone has a nice day!!!!

Janine~ are these migraines that you are getting? That just sounds yucky....hope you get to feeling better soon. Is it still all hot and muggy out there? I would imagine that that wouldn't help in making you feel any better. Well, you do whatever it is that you gotta do to make yourself better, okay? At least you slept through the night!
Heading up to my ortho surgeon today and see what the next phase of treatment is going to be for my back. He had mentioned injections the last time I saw him and I sure as heck don't want to go through that again...but it is like I started at square one and he does all the minimally invasive stuff first. Which is a good thing, I suppose...I am just tired of being sore and in pain.
Anywho....Hope everyone has a great day today and Janine- GET BETTER!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay


Have a great Thursday everyone!

"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me
I am THRILLED to report that for the 2nd day in a row I woke up at 4:30 and went to the gym...that's right boys and girls I did it! OMG it's been hard and easy at the same time. All I can say is prayer works!! I have EVERY confidence that this will spark my weight loss and get me away from 239, 6 weeks is LONG enough in that neighborhood!!
After partying Fri & Sat 2 weekends in a row I believe I will be taking the weekend off...well unless I decide to go karaoke at this neighborhood bar...which I think I am going to do!!
It's ALMOST Friday and boy I can't wait.
Ms Shell
I'm 85% sure I'm going and but of course you can come too =)
Rustic Lite
14019 Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne CA
From you take the 405 N
Exit El Segundo Blvd
Turn Lt off Exit
Turn Lt on El Segundo
Turn Rt on Hawthorne
It's going to be on your Right Hand side (pay attention to addresses or you'll miss it)
If you pass Rosecrans you've gone to far
Parking in on the street, or in the center isle.
(FYI if you mapquest it they might have you exit on Rosecrans, but then you'd have to make a u-turn cause it's on the west side of the street feel me??)
Anyways, just wanted to say Good Morning to everyone. I'm PMSing so I have nothing nice to say, bahahaha

Have a great day everyone!