Almost Cancelled Surgery!!!

Janel B
on 8/5/08 1:21 pm - Oakley, CA
Ok, as of 8:29 this morning, I had such a sense of peace about my surgery....even about flying!! At 8:30 I call my landlady to let her know that the transfer is made, and she can deposit my rent check.....she then informs me that she is going to have an appraiser and realtor over at my place after I get back from my surgery, because she is SELLING THE CONDO!!! Mind you, I LOVE my place. I have lived here over 3 years, and because I take such good care of the place, she has never once raised my rent, she is so happy to have me there. She then tells me that if I can afford it, the place is mine. Well, all of my savings is going for this surgery, and if I back out now, I lose 30% because it's so close to the date....what do I do?

I called a friend of mine who knows someone who handles loans and she contacts me with this gal who is going to run some numbers for me.

I call Cosmed and ask if I can switch to just brachioplasty, and not do the lbl until next year.

I call a good friend of mine and ask if she and her hubby want to buy my place as an investment and rent it out to me for a couple years until I can afford to buy it.

Mind you, I'm doing all of this in like 45 mins, on my way to work, on a bluetooth....I literally HATE bluetooth!!!!

Here is what comes of loan payment if I buy the place, with homeowners fees, inusurance, etc, will be like $600 more than what I pay can do.

Cosmed will let me just get the brachioplasty, but they'll call me tomorrow to let me know if I'd have to pay the 30% of the lbl cost....which I understand.

My friend totally wants to buy my place, rent it to me, and then sell it back to me in a few years.

so, I'm coming down tomorrow, having all my originally scheduled surgeries at Cosmed. I have to call them tomorrow, and if they don't think I'm crazy, surgery is still on Friday!!

Ok, I'm getting all packed up now, and then to bed. I have to be at work at 3:45 tomorrow, then to the Oakland airport................Calgon take me away!!!!!!
on 8/5/08 1:39 pm - South El Monte, CA
wow.. what a crazy afternoon.. good luck.. hope it all goes in your favor... YOU ROCK.. and can totally handle whatever the outcome is...

Be strong & have a fabulous evening
Tami B.
on 8/5/08 1:55 pm - Northern California, CA
OMG Janel!  Talk about drama!  I can't believe she is selling the place, well good luck to her in this market right now.  I'm glad everything is back on for you though.  I'll be checking in and seeing how you are doing once you are out of surgery.  I'm so sorry you had to go through all this so close to your date!  Good luck my friend!
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places


on 8/5/08 3:53 pm - Duarte, CA
You'd better not cancel!  I'm looking forward to my tacos and fruit on Thursday!!


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

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