First post op appointment w Dr. Chin
Thank you Jean for the clothes. Some fit now (I am so excited) alot will fit within the next couple of weeks. I appreciate it so much


This is going to be an exciting journey I can tell
Looks like you are off to a great start sweetie!!! You got lucky on the Heparin! Does that mean you are allergic to all blood thinners? I would definitely check that out and maybe have a medical alert for that, it could be serious stuff!!
Eating slowly was a huge challenge for me and sometimes still is! Getting food stuck because you ate too fast or didn't chew good enough, SUCKS and hurts like hell!!!
Congrats on your success so far! and Yeah on getting your car back, I know how great that one feels, I went more than a whole year without mine!!! Talk about freedom when I got another one! bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick