Chewable Calcium
Soooo ... Anyone have any suggestions for a chewable calcium that actually tastes good? The nutritionist told me that the best vitamins/supplements you can buy are the ones you will take every day. I will not take something every day if the taste is even mildly intolerable. I am *far* too fussy!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Ok in typed it says: "calcium citrate + D, best absorbed by our patients"
then it states "calciuim carbonate + D pill form"
"calcium carbonate + D - chewable for those of you who have problems swallowing pills."
"calcium carbonate + D - powder form for those of you who have problems with swallowing pills"
There is more stuff about calcium, but I also wrote in "viactive chews" "kirkland"......
I can ask her the difference or whatever but don't you think she would know? It's written by Carole J. Baker, MS, RD for USC
At least you checked your paperwork, so it's all good!!!
bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Well, I'm asking her anyways, just to be sure.
You know what though, she did a line through the "carbonate" section, I thought it was just a scribble, but I remember her doing it on purpose now. *scratches head*
And I must say she reluctantly added that "if you HAVE TO then you can take the Viactive"... because I was saying how awful it was for me to swallow calcium horse pills etc.
So, maybe it's ME misunderstanding? Hmmmmmmm
There is a liquid c-citrate called Up-Cal D that some people take, here is a link for that...
also there is this... 70/prices-html
and this... ium#IngredientFacts
and this that was mentioned here on this thread...
Hope these help!!! only cuz I care!!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick