It's A Twisted Tuesday Morning Gang!
Janine sorry Ava didn't get out of her helmet but in the long run it will make it better.
Lisa so glad to hear your doing good and wow 13 lbs.

I'm not supposed to drive yet, but hubbies busy and the puppy is still sick so the vet is literally 5 minutes up the road and gonna take her at 11:20. I will never give a Bordatella vax to any of my dogs again.....
I'm doing better, but my twisted morning consisted of Milk of Magnesia if you know what I mean I know TMI but my tummy was twisted

I'm just chilling before I start work at 1pm. It's a nice 6 hour shift, so I'll be home by the time my hubby gets home from work.
Janine, sorry to hear about Ava's misfortune with having to wear the helmet still. But like everyone says, what happens now will help in the future.
I was wondering if anyone's seen the Mystery Box? I've been offline for a while so I probably missed who has it, but I'm so anxious for it to reach me!!!!
Janine--- Can I just saw HOTTTTTTTT DAMN! You are looking mighty SEXY! No wonder why it is soooooo hot in the desert! Sorry to hear about Ava and Hunter, I am sure it is very hard to see but in the long run it is what is best for them.
Nikki--- I hope all goes well with your surgery today, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jeni-- You are in my thoughts and if you every need to chat about what you are going through you can PM me. I would in conjunctioning with Child Protective Services and I deal with situations like your daughters all the time. Also, you know that there are Grandparents Rights, so if you want you can take her to court to get visitation Tommy. Like I said, if you ever want to chat I am available.
As for me, I am stuggling today, a little tired and sluggish. I went to the gym and walked a mile in a half but it KILLED me. It is a good thing I DO NOT own a scale because it would drive me crazy. I got on my moms scale and I only lost a pound since last week. I was NOT happy! LOL! I know I am very hard on myself, but I don't eat and I am drinking my food and I only lost a pound. Just made me mad, even though I know that the pounds are going to come off. It was a little disappointing. Other than that things are going well and I am looking forward to friday.
Hope everyone has a great day!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).