It's A Twisted Tuesday Morning Gang!

Janine J.
on 8/4/08 6:01 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Good Morning Cali and a happy twisted Tuesday to all of you! Only 3 more days until the weekend!!! YAY!!!

Me thinks this month is gong to fly on by and that worries me as I have not accomplished what I have wanted to do over the summer. That is okay I guess because I really did have a relatively good break so to speak.

Yesterday we did not get the news we wanted with Ava's helmut situation. Well it was not bad with the helmut. She will wear it until she can no longer fit in it. Her second doctor said that if he was to see her now, he would not prescribe her a helmut because it is mild now the shape of her head.

What the real problem is her tortacaulous . What that is is a shortening and tightness of the muscle in one side of her neck. That is what caused her head to shape funny. She is going to have to have agressive PT still and James and Sandy are going to have to follow up with the stretches 4 times a day also. They have been doing it, but the doctor said that Ava has learned how to get around be stretched. So now one of them are going to have to hold her down by the shoulders while the other one gets her ear to touch her shoulder. I watched as they did this to her yesterday and I really felt bad for Ava.

The doc said that if it is not done, it will become problematic as she gets old. Hunter also has this too....cannot get a definitively if this is heriditary or not because neither one of my boys had it. Weird eh? Scott and Ash are just waiting to hear from the insurance for the approval of PT and helmut for Hunter.

I just want you all to know that I do super appreciate all the kind words regarding Ava guys are the best! Kisses 

Anywho...that is my story and I am sticking to it. It was nice out in Loma Linda when I was there early yesterday....and by the late morning when I got back....OMG it was soooooooooo gross out here. Plenty of thunderheads, and some rain here where I lived, but it really got pelted up in the high desert between Joshua and 29 Palms. They had to close highway 62 because of it. It is supposed to happen again today. The thunderheads are pretty awesome and scary all at the same time!

I hope you all have this super fantastic day....and remember to keep our Miss Nikki in your prayers and thoughts to day as she is headed for the land of perky boobies!!!


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 8/4/08 9:26 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

I spent most of the day working on keeping my job.  I have to do an appeal to get an extension for my credential whi*****ludes writing a letter and getting letters from many sources.  So as you said I think this month is going to fly by which will not be good if I can't get my appeal done in time.  I'm so not liking LAUSD at this point.  Not only are they saying they over paid me and want money back but they changed their pay schedule which gave us 2  checks this pay period.  However they put them on one check so it all got eaten in taxes.  I don't even understand how this can be legal.  I have to just not think about it oh I will go crazy. 

Well since my child has gone back to sleep i'm going to try as well.  I hope all gets resolved with Ava and Hunter without too much discomfort.

Everyone enjoy the day


Jeni H.
on 8/4/08 10:17 pm
Good Morning Janine and Calif Friends!
I'm sorry about Lil' Ava....  I guess if the doctors are saying to keep it on then it must be for the best. 
Yesterday was just awful at work!  The two other gals in the office called off, My Manager is on vacation....Operations Manager is on nights covering for another Supervisor!  Somebody goofed up on the scheduling!  Oh well, made it through and even got my payroll done!  Thank God for the Salesmen!  I called in two of them to help with answering phones, and they were great!
I miss Tommy a lot as he is still in Palmdale.  My daughter hates me right now and says I can never see him again.  I love how she uses the boys against me......   There is a custody hearing this month for the permanent guardianship of my other grandson Benny to his other Grandparents and I know she is angry at the world right now....but with children along comes responsibility and she hasn't done what the courts have asked her to do unfortunately.  She continues to live a lifestyle that is not all that good for kids.
It makes me very sad but all I can do is pray about it because God has a plan, Right God????  I just feel for the kids.....well and my daughter.  Of course I want things to be good for her as well it's just she needs to figure it out and it hasn't come yet.
Any way, thanks for the vent!  Again!
You guys all have a great, great day!!!
Love, Jeni
Perky Boobies???   Wew!  I want some!!!!  lol

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/08 11:42 pm - Palmdale, CA

Aw, Jeni I wish I could go and find Tommy for you and give him a great big hug from his Grandma.  I am so sorry that you are missing him so.  Where are you withe the appeal? 
Sounds like it was a really brutal day at work yesterday.  You are awesome and made it through.  I am exhaustedj I have not had a day off since last weekend.   Yesterday everyone came by theoffice too.  I called the locksmith to change the locks around in my office and when they finally got there they looked at me like I was from Mars and had 3 heads and 4 noses.  When I called they said that they would have somebody there in an hour.  4 hours later I was still waiting so when they did arrive I was pretty annoyed.  Ya see I ate breakfast but lunch never happened as they didnot show up till after 4.
Well, enough of my complaining. 
You all have a great day and stay hydrated.  Remember to take your vitamins and drink your water.

Jeni H.
on 8/5/08 4:55 am
Thanks Liz, I appreciate it.
Maybe yesterday was just "one of those" days!  lol
It has to get better!!!

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Jodi W
on 8/5/08 1:20 am - SIMI VALLEY, CA





Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

Jeni H.
on 8/5/08 4:57 am
Thanks jodi!
I appreciate it.  I know, I'm trying to stay angry with her so I don't break down............  She's just lost, and I don't know how to help her!  Frustrating!!!
anyway thanks girl friend!  I hope all is good with you!
Love, Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Janine J.
on 8/5/08 4:37 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

You are one strong lady Jeni...I do not know how you do it and I am sure a vacation cannot come quick enough for you right now. Like Jodi said, you have to trust that God has this master plan and whether we like it or not things happen. Sorry but I would like to give your daughter a good swift kick in the ass for putting her child and you in this situation. I know she is a lost soul, but she does not have to drag others with her. I truly pray that someday she will get her life together and stop ruining hers and others! I say that out of love Jeni...tough love that is and would tough love my kids in the shoe was on my foot. You are strong Jeni remember that and there will come a time in your life that you can look back and say, "I am so glad this behind all of us!"

Love ya Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Steve J.
on 8/4/08 11:09 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Morning Janine and all the beautiful Cali Crew!

Yea, we made it through a back-to-work Monday and are heading to a weekend in just three short (hopefully!) days! It was SO slow at work yesterday it was scary. Mondays right now should be very busy but no, not this year. We are all in fear for our situations as it seems like with the downturn in business the company will have little choice but to eliminate more positions pretty soon. We are all figuring this month or right after Labor Day, the traditional end of our busy season in the RV industry. Time will tell....

Nothing much else going on here. Sorry to hear about that little angel, Ava, and her neck issues. Better to get it worked out now while she is young I would guess.

Have a great day all y'all! Watch out for those thunderstorms J!


Jean L.
on 8/4/08 11:11 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew
Hey girl - I love the new avatar - how cute is that?  I will continue to pray for Ava and Hunter - poor babies....but I just know they will be fine....

Monica - that just SUCKS what is happening with you girl.  Hang in there, we love ya.....its all gonna work out.

Jeni - you hang in there too girl...and I hope today is a way better day for you....

As for me - nothing much on my agenda today.....going to try to get all the photos hung back up so I have my dining room table back to normal....

Everyone have a great day.....hugs to all
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