Good Sunday Morning Gang!
Good Morning question of the morning is Deal or No Deal???
OMG what a day I had! Between sitting in the back seat of a friend *****ing her son out the whole way there and the whole way back, her daughter and her daughters friend talking non stop...tasting the smog in my mouth....I was surely happy to be home in the desert and calling Jeff to come and get me!
We had lots of laughs....I brought my camera and my video flip camera and got some really hillarious video of my friend and the car ride...some really great pictures while on the road...and the taping thing...well it was her final audition and we were told that it would take up to year to hear if she got on Deal or No Deal. They had us play a mock game and it was taped and then it is given to the producers of NBC who make the finaly decision. It was we did not see the phobic Howie....not even a star...oh however while driving and trying to get to Santa Monica (never made it) I did get directions from Harley (no lie) from Lost while on the streets. I did not recognize or think about it and if I had in the moment, I would have said to him....I am lost! LOL
Anywho....I got my friends to Canter's in the Fairfax district...OMG the best!!! They were like in awwwwwwwwww of the is a very famous Russian Jewish deli/restuarant....they have the best corned beef and pastrami you could ever eat and the last time I was in there, I was standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with Dustin Hoffman....squirt he is LOL
I am too burnt out to do a shout out, but do want to say...Jean I hope you are feeling better and Terry you are the bomb for thinking about me and sending me that email about that doc is SF.
Vicki quick Mike home for good? I am not understanding and feel like I missed something by some of the comments you have made. HELP me here gf!
Nikki....if we do not touch know I am wishing you the best on Tuesday and kick some bootie tomorrow when you call Kaiser for the 411.
I hope you all have a wonderful day today...I am headed back to is way too early for me to be up and stay up since I got up at 3:15 yesterday and was on until I passed out in exhaustion last night...okay only a couple of hours ago!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Well sounds like you had a day yesterday, one to remember!!
I actually slept in until 600 and only woke up twice during the night. I think the Lunesta might actually help!!
Tomorrow I need to call the surgery center and find out what time my surgery is, when I have to be there, ect, make sure about reduction size from the PA, find out why my Cobra check hasnt cleared. OH and the peds job I applies for where the interviewer like me so much, but then found out they revoked the funding now has a new position open. So I am going to be proactive and give her a call!! I think I will be on the phone most of the morning. Then I need to go to Costco dont think I will be able to that for a little while since I am not suppose to push or pull for a while after surgery, also the grocery store. Try to do menial, but must do things to keep me calm tomorrow.
Today, well I am not sure I am going to do a dang thing, lol. Maybe just a lazy day, lol.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Yesterday was a big ol lazy day for us. It wasn't planned but i ended up on several marathon phone calls and when I was done mentally exhausted. I did attempt to start taping the trim but suddenly my mom doesn't remember where the tape is. I will hunt for it again today. So jealous you went to Canter's. One of the best haven't been in eons. Might have to make a trip for a bit of deli to go.
Everyone enjoy the day

Today is Pancake breakfast at the grange for Sammi. I'll convince her to eat a pancake for you Neen! LOL Later this morning is down to my Uncle's so Sammi can drive her car for a little while. DH had to work at 4 this morning so hopefully he will be home early too.
Janine - Glad to hear even with all the hub bub you still had fun. I love good pastrami! mmmmmmmmm
OK cali, hope everyone has a great day.
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
i'm having a so so morning i'm day 7out of surgery ,,, i can't wait till i can have real food .... this liquid diet is the pitts... i'm down 5 lbs already and hope it just keeps coming off... i'm a bit sore still in the tummy area... but i guess thats bf is supportive of me now which is great,,, he showed up all un annouced and took me to the surgery monday morning... i was soo happy...i wish i can do more excersize done but i was told not to use my excersize bike.... so i have to ask the doc about that one tomarrow at my postop appt.... everyone have a great sunday .....peace out