Looking for Kaiser patients in Fremont or SSF
Hi All, I actually posted a message in the main forum,but a member recommended I post on the on the california board. I want to know the process, your opinions of your experiences. What are the doctors like, etc. I go to a information class on August 12th. my mind is already made up. Just need to get the process started. thanks Tami
p.s. I will have a pic soon
p.s. I will have a pic soon
Hi Tami
I had surgery on March 4th in Fremont with Dr. Eric Hahn, love him, he was very professional, but held me accountable for my end of the requirements. i had a wonderful experience from my inital visit (classes, Nut appt, Psych eval etc) to my surgery, hospital stay and post-op visits. I am thrilled i did it, and would do it again, not one problem and the nutritionists are great when you have questions, just shhot them off an email and get redirected or given great advice. I have a couple of friends who went to So san francisco and felt they were not as "family" oriented, and not as good as Fremont on monitoring and accountability. I love the accountability, it keeps me on tract. Any questons, please let me know....Good luck!
I had surgery on March 4th in Fremont with Dr. Eric Hahn, love him, he was very professional, but held me accountable for my end of the requirements. i had a wonderful experience from my inital visit (classes, Nut appt, Psych eval etc) to my surgery, hospital stay and post-op visits. I am thrilled i did it, and would do it again, not one problem and the nutritionists are great when you have questions, just shhot them off an email and get redirected or given great advice. I have a couple of friends who went to So san francisco and felt they were not as "family" oriented, and not as good as Fremont on monitoring and accountability. I love the accountability, it keeps me on tract. Any questons, please let me know....Good luck!
I am also a member at Fremont Kaiser. I haven't had surgery yet, I am in the beginning of the process. I had my orientation on June 29th and also will have Dr. Eric Hahn as a surgeon. I met with him and the nutritionist on July 25th. I won't have any more appointments scheduled for me until I do my part in the weight loss. So pretty much things move as fast as you lose weight at this point. I really liked Dr. Hahn. He was very friendly, professional and answered all of my questions. I didn't feel like he was rushing through our appointment and the was very thorough.
I had my surgery at Kaiser Fremont, but am a little over 2 years out. I think they've changed things a bit since I had mine. But, I'll tell you that they are an awesome bunch, and I have no complaints. You do have to be persistent thought, and call with your weight, etc.
Feel free to check out my profile and ask me any questions.
Feel free to check out my profile and ask me any questions.

Hi Janel, Your profile is great..Mine isn't much yet, I plan on developing when time allows and I get some recent pics loaded. I am really loving this site, everyone is so friendly and supportive. it's awsome!! I sure all the millions of scattered questions running through my head will get answered as I move through the process. This is the one time in my life, I really feel that reaching out to people that have "been there, done that" is going to be the key to my success. thanks again.