Should all who want to have WLS be able to get it??

on 8/2/08 4:36 am
This one should get some good discussion going.  If a man or woman could benifit from the procedure and they follow the basic requirements such as psych. evaluation, lose the necessary pounds for the making the liver smaller, supervised diet for a few months...should all who want it, get it??  What about the old..."Hey less and exercise!!"  "You want me to pay for that cheeseburger and fries!!"  Are we willing to have all our taxes raised so others can have a better quality of life.  We know these procedures work...They are not unproven anymore.  So few get WLS who want it.  They come to this site...Find they can't qualify...Then they move on.
Don't want this to be a Republican vs Democratic type of thing.  We know we all will have to pay for it in someway or another.  Then should PS be allowed too...and for whom?  Time for your soapboxes people!!  Brian 
Katt M.
on 8/2/08 4:58 am - Fontana, CA
Hi Brian, great topic. I think that anyone that can benefit from, and be compliant with this surgery should be able to have it done, as long as they get the necessary education to remain compliant and they understand that this is a lifestyle change, requiring a lifetime commitment. =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Monica P.
on 8/2/08 5:10 am, edited 8/2/08 5:10 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with
I think I have a fundamental problem that the health care industry is based on making profits and the bottom line.  I hate that.  Beyond WLS, there are many people who do not get the coverage and treatment they need because of an industry that values dollars over the health and welfare of its members. 

No one should profit from the sickness and illness of another person.

I say all this as an employee of a managed healthcare corporation that is a Fortune 500 company. 

You addressed the "eat less and exercise" arguement, I could go on for days in regards to that....even with my personal trainer I have had this conversation.  I think there are many factors that contribute to obesity as an epidemic in this country some of which are:

the fast food industry
the culture of "must have it now"
the multi-billion dollar diet industry that profits from the failed diet attempts of americans
the couch potato lifestyle
children who are less active, playing video games etc..

There are some people who can sucessfully lose weight without surgery, I know them. I applaud thier success...but I was not one of them. If a person pays into thier benefits and then needs treatment like a surgery or hospital stay...they should have it. 
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

on 8/2/08 5:25 am
Thought I would add this one to the mix...

What about the old..."Hey less and exercise!!"  "You want ME to pay for that cheeseburger and fries!!"
on 8/2/08 5:28 am
Scratch last post...forgot I added it.  Brian  PS I've cross posted this on Main, Men's, and California Boards.
on 8/2/08 5:43 am, edited 8/2/08 5:44 am - Northern, CA
This is one topic I am quite happy to get up on a soapbox about.

We know if you have 50 lb. or more to lose, that the chances of doing it with diet and exercise are close to nil. We know that WLS works for most people. Therefore, I think that if a person has that much to lose and has dieted one time and failed, they should be able to get the surgery if they want it.

If obesity is truly a disease -- and I think it is -- then it should be treated like any disease. If I had cancer, my insurance company would pay millions of dollars to fix me even if I had a terminal case so I wasn't going to get better. But I have obesity and they've decided it's "not cost effective" to treat me, that it's cheaper to let us be sick for a while and then die young.

When has treating a disease ever had to pass the "we'll save more money if we treat you than if you don't" test to be covered? Can you imagine how up in arms everyone would be if we stopped treating diabetes because it's more cost effective to let people die than pay for years of insulin?

As for PS, I think it depends on what it is and your situation. If you just want to look like a 20 year old when you are 50, then no. But if you have lost 200 lb. and your skin is "join the the circus freaks" bad or it interferes with daily life, that's not cosmetic surgery... that's reconstructive surgery and it should be covered.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Miss Ladybug
on 8/2/08 6:29 am - Folsom, CA
You know this is very interesting and this is why I fought Kaiser and WON! 

I was at work when a lady made the comment that she lost her weight the "right way".  What is the right way?  Eat less, exercise?  Well duh, I am doing that even though I had a push from the doctor.  Just like when you begin learning how to swing, mom, dad give you a push.  Some of us need that push.  I lost 43 lb the "right way" but still had to lose 200 more! 

So if someone has to lose 100 lbs or more, yes they should be able to get the surgery, and if they have health problems, then that is even more the reason. 

I am truly happy that I did this, and the push the doctor gave me was the one I needed.  Now I can move......and because I can move I can lose!

Just my two cents worth.
 NEVER GIVE UP .. 355 higest, 312 WLS day, 135 current, no longer OBEASE,, lost 220, and IM AT GOAL!!!!!!
on 8/2/08 8:32 am
No, if all get it just because they want it it then becomes a business and health risks are put aside. Then you are going to see more complications and deaths due to surgery.

Each case is different. Each one should be treated differently. You say now yes, I'll be compliant and follow the rules, know how many have said that and are crashing and burning now? too many. Doctors do not really teach the patient enough of what is going to happen to them after 3 years....sad and scary....

My opinion......nothing religious or political about it.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Jenn A.
on 8/2/08 9:52 am - Visalia, CA
No Just because they could benifit does not mean they will benifit. Many have had the surgery just looking for a quick fix and they never use the the tool for what it was meant for. JMO


Jenn  ~ Obesity Help Support Group Coach~
**In Memory of My Son PFC Jeffrey A. Avery KIA Iraq 4/23/07 **
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