This 4 U LizR Head in the Clouds!
I love textured great dimension and it is different. I really do not paint for a always has to come from the heart...although people think I am nuts to just give my work away! LOL
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I always felt the same way when I painted, its harder to paint something on demand, its never as always comes out much nicer when it just flows out!
I meant more along the lines of if you have something already (or should happen to paint something that you would part with) I would love to buy one of your pieces! I love to have art all over my house and it's even better when it comes from a friend!

I meant more along the lines of if you have something already (or should happen to paint something that you would part with) I would love to buy one of your pieces! I love to have art all over my house and it's even better when it comes from a friend!
