Ooops! posted right above you, I must have been hitting "new post" when you were hitting submit!
Is everyone OK?? I am up in a multi story office building and we FELT it up here! Whole building rolling and shaking!
Wooo! That was a scary one! Ya know whats wierd, last night one of our dogs was acting really wierd and I joked that we had an earthquake coming! Guess next time she's acting funny I will take more notice!!!

Is everyone OK?? I am up in a multi story office building and we FELT it up here! Whole building rolling and shaking!
Wooo! That was a scary one! Ya know whats wierd, last night one of our dogs was acting really wierd and I joked that we had an earthquake coming! Guess next time she's acting funny I will take more notice!!!

high rise office building - the worst place to be in an earthquake.... my heart is still pounding.
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
If you are in a modern high is built on rollers and makes it feel worse Monica...hope all of you are okay...I was out and about so I felt nothing out here...thank gawd!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Heres a good site, you can see all the afteshocks already. 35.-118.-116.php