The story is this......Silverwood , car accidents and ANGELS
Leaving Silverwood yesterday about 5 miles down the road I got into an accident. I spun out and totaled my car, Had to wait 3 flippin hours for AAA cause they dispatched the CHP but failed to dispatch a tow. I got banged up and bruised quite a bit but nothing is broken.A slight concusion (sp) and A hella Whiplash Angels were watching over me yesterday. The first car to stop was believe it or not a Dr and his wife. And Celset and Gary came within 5 minutes. And picked up the 4 days worth of camping gear that ended up ALL OVER THE ROAD. They stayed with me the whole time. Celest drove me home to shower the dirt off me and then to the ER and waited patiently another 2 hours there. I gotta tell I LOVE those two. I could only aspire to be like them. I love you honey. Finally got home about 8:30 pm after leaving Silverwood at 11:45. I hurt like hell today but I walked away and an hear to tell about it so. Life is good. Thank you everyone for the Vibes and prayers. I could use them for sure this time. Thank you Sheryl for the post last night. And Sliverwood was a blast. Next year is already in the planning stages. Yup, I'm doing it again. Ok I gotta have a pill and lie down
Angels watch out for other angels don't ya know......They look after their own kind. I am so glad you are safe....yes, Celeste and Gary are very special people....your so lucky to live so close to them.....I'm jealous......
Day 3 will hurt worse than day 1 or 2 so expect it.......
Day 3 will hurt worse than day 1 or 2 so expect it.......

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
Oh my friend . . . I feel so GUILTY for leaving ahead of time . . . not the Scout thing to do . . . when I logged on last night I'm going "omg . . .what happened" . . . and Celeste called me. Those two ARE angels on earth! Thank God for them!
Take care - take it easy . . . and if you need me . . . just whistle!
Love & Stuff
Take care - take it easy . . . and if you need me . . . just whistle!
Love & Stuff
OMGosh Sue! I am so sorry! Thank God you had an angel on your shoulder. Good thing that Celest and Gary were there too. I am so glad that you weren't seriously hurt. Take care and take it easy hunni. xoxoxo

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~