I'm in Ontario which is about 10miles East of Chino and we shook pretty good! They say the 1st hour after the Quake is the most important. We only have a few more minutes and we should be out of the clear. Excluding the fact that we may have small after shocks for the next 24 hours.
Glad everyone is okay- I can't wait to get home from work and make sure everything at my house is okay!
This was my 15 year old's first earthquake, and I am glad I was home with her when it happend. She totally freaked out. I grew up in California, so it didn't bother me that much, but I am just thankful that she wasn't here by herself when it happend. I work on the 7th floor in a mostly glass building, so I am super glad I was home.
Hope everyone is ok
Hope everyone is ok
Hey there
Yep that was a doozie - I am late posting about it but still - it definitely rocked and rolled and shook. All the pictures in my entertainment center were knocked over and a statue of my moms fell over and broke an arm....but nothing in moms china cabinet was damaged - thank god.
My friend was here at the time and we were working on some invitations for her sons rehearsal dinner and we were like 2 keystone cops trying to get in a doorway - and the cats - OMG they were freaked out for quite a still is.
Glad everyone is ok. My 7 year old great niece thought it was great - she was so excited to feel her first earthquake - gotta love the innocense of youth.....
Yep that was a doozie - I am late posting about it but still - it definitely rocked and rolled and shook. All the pictures in my entertainment center were knocked over and a statue of my moms fell over and broke an arm....but nothing in moms china cabinet was damaged - thank god.
My friend was here at the time and we were working on some invitations for her sons rehearsal dinner and we were like 2 keystone cops trying to get in a doorway - and the cats - OMG they were freaked out for quite a still is.
Glad everyone is ok. My 7 year old great niece thought it was great - she was so excited to feel her first earthquake - gotta love the innocense of youth.....