
on 7/29/08 3:15 am - Ceres, CA
Hi everyone. I just thought I would post a little bit to get some of this off my chest (Bad analogy). I had a mammogram as part of my requirements for WLS and they saw a mass in my left breast. I am having it biopsied today. I am only 32 years old so they think it is probably nothing to worry about, but the scary part is my mom had breast cancer at 39 and had a double masectomy. Funny thing is I am more worried about it stalling my WLS than I am about anything else. I will keep you posted when I get the results of the biopsy (5-7 business days. Thanks for listening!!!
Janine J.
on 7/29/08 8:44 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Lots of prayers and good thoughts going out your way....another gal had the same thing happen here and it all turned out good....I hope for the same for you!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Donna M.
on 7/29/08 3:21 am - Long Beach, CA
Wow, that must be so scary for you.  I will keep you in my prayers that everything is just fine and that your WLS will happen soon.  Good for you for even getting the mamogram though, as you probably know the earlier the better for that kind of thing.  Let us know what they say!
on 7/29/08 3:24 am - Long Beach, CA
I know how scary that can be.  I had two golf ball sized "suspicious" lumps removed from one breast when I was only 34. I was so scared. Turned out to be benign (thank God).  I will pray that yours will also have the same outcome.  Keep us posted.

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