Good Tuesday Morning Cali
Happy Tuesday Everyone!
I sure hope that everyone had a good Monday and that today brings lots of smiles and happiness!
Jeni....spill about the doctors office call....I sure hope it was good!
I forgot to mention this...I went and saw Mama Mia last Friday....chick flick but good! Meryl Streep can sing...heck she can do anything she touches....however Pierce Bronson easy on the eyes, but needs singing lessons LOL
Not a lot to say this morning....make sure you keep Diane C in your prayers today as she heads into shoulder surgery.
I hope that Lisa and Terry are doing well too!
Have a great day everyone!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
It is way to early for me to be up, but I am. Yesterday nothing exciting happened send out 3 more resumes. No call about work

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Be good to yourselves and others!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Too bad you did not live out here Nikki because there are always nurses jobs here!
You know I am a true believer of things happen for a reason. Once you get your surgery behind you and have the perfect are going to be Miss Sexier Nurse and will find yourself turning jobs down.
You know my friend went through this recently and felt really rejected, and then low and behold she landed a job that she just absolutely loves. So my point is Nik****ep your chin up and I know before long...Miss Nikki is going to be Miss Sexy Nurse Nikki...I mean sexier!!!
Come clean and organize for me....please???????????????LOL
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Good Tuesday Morning 2 U & all the Cali Crew Ms. Janine!
Got through Manic Monday with few bumps and bruises along the way after being gone last Wed - Fri. With business as slow as it is this year there wasn't a lot to handle myself when I got in yesterday. My team mates handled things for me since they weren't that busy.
So it's on to Twisted Tuesday and we will see what the day has in store fo us. Keeping Ms. Diane in my thoughts and prayers for a successful shoulder surgery and a speedy recovery! Wishing everyone a great day!
How is the siatica? Better today I hope.
Little miss Sammi sends her love back at ya board grammie Neen! Our usual Sunday morning breakfast outing was nice. Sammi opted for a blueberry muffin instead of pancakes though. she said, "next time" for the pancakes.
I went to the Urologist yesterday and he has no idea where my flank pain is coming from. The CT scan came back normal with no evidence of stones or inflamation. Now, the no stones part is good news, not knowing where the pain is coming from is bad. I'm going tothe Chiropractor on Thursday incase it's a skelital or muscular issue and to my primary doc on Friday in case it's gall bladder or apendix or something like that. The not knowing is worse than anything I think. Anyway, that's about it in a nut shell. Going on vacation in about 2 weeks. Looking forward to that.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Not much to report for me today, up early so I think I might get in a little extra exercise before I hit the showers, then, off to work!
Still nursing the ankle, trying to take it a little easy on it til it stops hurting, it is MUCH better today, thankfully.
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

OMG I saw Mamma MIa with my friend. It is definitely a chick flick. Meryl Streep was awesome and she did well singing. Pierce Brosnon, he was definitely easy on the eyes but singing well we know he needs some kind of voice lessons. Did enjoy it. Today is a melacncholy type of day it is the anniversary of my Mom's death. I have been sad today somewhat tearful.
Stay cool out there kids and most importantly hydrate hydrate hydrate.