I'm going home!!!
It is wonderful to be home! We had to stop at three pharmacies before we found one that could fill all my new prescriptions. I took a shower as soon as I got home, and boy did it feel good! After giving myself the Lovenox injections at 10:00 p.m., I went to bed and slept through (with one potty break****il almost 7:00 a.m.. Amazing how much better one sleeps without noises, nurses, and lights! I noticed a few light seepage stains on my abdominal binder this morning, so I have a call in to the surgeon's office. If they need to look at my incisions, I hope they can do it right after I visit the cardiologist, whose office is in the building next door to the surgeon's. I am following instructions, and finally getting in enough protein! (The hospital was giving me a lot of juice, sugared yogurt, etc.).
Anyway, it's great to be home!
Anyway, it's great to be home!

Julia (AKA angelsecho)