Good Monday Morning Cali
Hello Everyone,
Had a great weekend. Saturday, I ran 10 miles with Kevin, Kirsten and Monica P. OMG, What was I thinking? I am glad that I got it done and was doing it with friends. You can see the effect that the run had on me ... just look at the LB pictures. My "coach" told me not to run this week and walk instead. I purchased some riding gloves so my hand would not have to suffer any more nerve damage. I have to be able to hold a pen.
Sunday, I hung out at the knit shop, but I really should have stayed home. Just too tired.
I recieved a compliement on Saturday. The guy that I am talking to said he like the fact that I have my own life and is not waiting for him. I had my weekend fully mapped out. Guess I am doing something right.
Oh well, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead.
IT'S MONDAYYYYY! Yup, 4 days left for the weekend (thanks for reminding us of that light at the end of the tunnel Janine).
Since I started going to the gym at 5:30 am, my days seem long...BUT, I am a morning person, so would make to many excuses not to go if I did it after 5:30 it is.
Training for my first 5K, so now up to 4 mins running/1 min walk/rest...I'm getting there slowly but surely. I"m under 15 mins per mile though (not sure if that's good or bad in RUNNING WORLD"...but that's a first for me..soI'll take it. I"m up to almost 4 miles. YEAH ME

My weekend was good. I worked Saturday, and ended up staying late because we were so crazy busy....selling those new drinks that we make.....they take so much time to make, and you are right, they are not all that healthy, if you are counting carbs. They do taste really good, and I have had one as a meal replacement because they have alot of pretein and fiber. But they have sugar in them too, so you have to be careful.
Sunday after church, I drove to Tracy, to have lunch with a few OH peeps. It was a small group, and we had a nice time. I uploaded a few pics onto my profile.....take a look at Tami she looks great!
I have today off, and am taking care of some more things that need to be done to get ready for my trip down south next week......11 days and counting until my surgery!!!! I'm also painting my hallway and're right, it's hard to mess up a wall!!!
I hope I get to see you on the 6th.
Love U

ist is chris from Antioch!!!! I just wanted you to know I will have you in my prayers for your upcoming surgery- gosh I was hoping we could meet someday- I think you are the closest one I know to me. I wasnt able to make the Tracy lunch due to prior engagements, darn. If you can pm me and I will give you my email and phone number to check on you, I can also let everyone know how you are doing-- love, Chris R
Janine, i agree with you on the "Bucket List" I thought it was a great movie. Try to stay cool in the desert today, glad they say it's drying out. I know that dry heat is alot easier to tolerate then humidity.
Thank you for all the support. I figure each day out will be better and better. It is hard getting in all the liquids and protein in a day. I never in my life thought I would be full after taking 3 bites of yogurt. LOL.
Julia, it was so nice hearing from you yesterday. I am praying that you get to go home today. I am keeping my fingers crossed to, although it makes it a little hard to type

I am not on pain meds anymore, so I am going to attempt to drive myself to the vitamine shoppe around the cornner. Need to buy some different protein sources. So far the easiest way for me to get all my protein in is to mix a protein "bullet" about 42gms in 3.5 oz with my SF jello and eat that thru the day. I haven't found a protein drink that I like yet

Sending some positive vibes to Terry and Lisa on their surgery today, scooching on over to make room on the bench.
Jean, thank you so much for posting the LB coffee pictures. Can't wait to join everyone next month.
Naomi, you look amazing. See you next month
I hope everyone has a great Monday
The pups are all doing well. We thought they might have been coming down with Kennell Cough but turns out it's just the smoke playing havoc on them. Poor Critters. We're keeping them in the house more until the skys clear. As for "Buddy" the black lab / bassett hound mix I went to go see him at Haven on Saturday. He's not available for adoption until 8/2 and then he will be available for 30 days. I told them that if he is not adopted within that time, please let me know then I will adopt him, pay all fees and take him home. We are not a No-Kill county therefore Buddy is certain to be spared that fate. They agreed (however I will continue to go visit him each week).
It's a quiet week for me hopefully. We get Jayden back on Thursday. Joe's still working nights so tonight I am buying blinds for 2 bedrooms. I am also buying 2 gallons of paint for my guest room. I am going to try and post pictures of Jayden's room and his marvelous paint job Joe and my daughter did a couple years ago.
Back to work for me!
Just a quickie for me today, as I left early on Friday to take care of my ankle (which is NOT broken, just some terribly stretched out tendons and a lot of pain!) so I have a TON of stuff to try to play catch up with today!
I hope everyone has a great day, don't let the Mondays get you down!
I am keeping our two new losers in my thoughts today and I will be keeping an eye out for the news that they are BOTH on the bench with us!

I sure do love being on vacation and I am sad that it will be ended at the end of the week. My weekend was uneventful, just walking and sipping. I have been getting in all my protien however I think I am beginning to recognize when King Kong (my pouch) is full. I have been able to get down an 8 oz protien shake however all of a sudden it is too much for me so I am going to be cutting it in half and drinking them throughout the day rather than three times a day.
Linda, have you or are you allow milk? Every protien powder I tried with water was NASTY. So, I ventured onto milk. I have been using the Lactaid just because and it also adds 9 grams of protien. Just a thought. And yesterday I had a decaf ice tea from starbucks and I added the Nectar Lemonade to it. OMG it was SO GOOD! And it was 23 grams of protien and 24 oz of water. Killed two birds with on stone. LOL
Hope everyone has a great day.
P.S. Best of luck to Terry and Lisa.
Janine, thanx for the shout out and I hope your back feels better soon.
Comic-Con was awesome, as usual. We spent saturday upstairs enjoying a couple panels and getting autographs.
The first panel we went to was for Futurama. It was hilarious. I like Futurama because of Katey Sagal. Matthew doesn't get The second panel we went to was for Kyle XY. We got a sneak preview of next season. It's going to be a HOT season. Matt Dallas and Jaimie Alexander are very sweet together. I got an ABC baseball cap and season 1 dvd just for asking the panel a question. It was so cool!
After the panels, we got autographs from Katey Sagal, Lindsay Wagner, Jane Wiedlin (from the band the Go-Gos). For you wresting fans, Virgil, Rob Van Dam, Christy Hemme and Gail Kim. We got autographs of a few more celbs, but I can remember them right now.
Yesterday was spent on the main floor with all the artists. I have loads of pics that I will upload in a bit. Some pix will have to wait as I forgot my digital camera on saturday, so I was using a disposable one. Those will be ready on wednesday. Took my digital yesterday tho... =)

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~