Good Monday Morning Cali

Janine J.
on 7/27/08 7:51 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Well here we are another Monday and only 4 more days until the cool is that?

Today Terry aka horselady and Lisa aka I cannot remember her OH name is going into surgery cool is that? Two more people we have to scoot over for on the LOSERS BENCH!! I bet they are nervous and excited and all those good emotions!

I am dying to know how the camping trip went....I am also going to be bummed at the same time. As I sit hear wiggling around in this stupid chair trying to find a position my sicatica does not hurt is difficult at best. Pictures and stories gang!

Jean great LB pics....swear I had to take a double take on Kevin...he has what....NO dreads??????? You all looked great and especially you Miss Pretty! BTW really cannot wreck painting your wall. I am telling you wall painting is super easy. I have been painting rooms since I was about 8! So stop "P'ing" and get off your duff miss muff and go for it...I bet it will get you hooked and then you will wanting to paint this and paint that....just GO FOR IT!!!

Steve I am anxious to hear about your celebration this weekend. I am sure you did a fabulous job of pulling things together. As difficult as it was, I know Bob was smiling wherever he is and knows how much his family loves him and will miss him. You are a good person Steve who has a whole lot of love in your heart for your family and that speaks volumes.

LuLu...did Fresser eat you? Have not heard squat from you in days it seems like. I hope you are okay.

Kim S....OMG you sure can tell the difference in your one month pics!!! BTW....I forgot to tell you that you have some really beautiful daughters!

Sue...I sure hope you are feeling better, I do not know how I missed you are still having problems with your kidney issues. I really feel bad for you, but I have to tell you after I had a major kidney issues back a number of years ago, I also continue to have passage of small ones on occasion......and especially in the 1st year after. Okay I also wanna know...did Sami have pancakes??? If she did....hope she had a bite in grammy neens honor!!! Give Miss Sweatpea Sammi and kiss from me!

Jeni....I hope you can get on line and give a shout out after you call your doctors office. I have been thinking of you all weekend and hoping that for once you can catch a break with all of this approval garbage! BTW I had my eyebrows done recently....OMG it is so awesome having them done. However Jeff does not want me to get the eyeliner and I really do not know why he does not want it, but it was a NO....kind of the same NO about me coloring my hair....he loves it gray and when Jeff says NO to something which is not often...I do unusal LOL...Also glad you had a good weekend with your deserve that!

Janeene....yeah I am sorry we were not able to hook up when you were here last Friday. I would have loved to meet you and Harley....did you guys know that I ride a Road King? Next time as you said....let me know in some sort of advance and would love to meet the both of you!

Hey Maureen did you see the BucketList yet? I saw it this past week as I get that NetFlex....given any movie is good when it is Jack and Morgan....I liked it for sure! How is that pup of yours doing?

Katt you sound like you had fun this weekend. I get to see a lot of movie stars and TV stars out here....I have never asked a one for an autograph...or even talked with them. I remember one time sitting right next to Lindsey Wagner and acted like she did not even exist. She has sure changed since her Bionic Woman days for sure! have good taste in color then! However that is not really orange in that is a combo of overland paints and in the photo I guess it does translate orange. I bet your living room is going to look awesome!

Miss Vicki....hope you had a good weekend and got to chill out some! Know that you are under stress with your back and your son having to have that oral surgery. Just remember how strong you are and know you can get through just about anything! SUPERWOMAN!

Nikki....I sure that this week is going to be your lucky week in finding a job that will start after your surgery. Like I said the other day...done organizing at your house, my art space could always use you LOL!!!! IT looks like an explosion in here right now!

LizR is the woman of the hour...she is going for a womans triatholon in Vegas this next year I think? OMG are one superhuman woman for sure! I can still visualize you when we met at the wow are one of a kind for sure! Kisses

Rhonda you are going to be quite the label reader after you have surgery too. It takes time to read labels and you will be able to get into a routine in your shopping where you have foods that work and you can just automatically get them!

Oh and speaking of label reading...when Starbucks came out with that new protien drink...they kept trying to shove it on me in one Starbucks and my gut said no, but my mind was jonesing for the mango one...well I did not have it because they could not give me a carb count. Well I dug it up on the website....had to dig has 47 grams of carbs!!! Healthy my ass....that would be my whole day of carb intake. Glad I resisted!

Jodi...yes you can teach old dogs new tricks LOL ie the hubby and how he now gets your flowers!!! That is very cool! So when do we get to see pics of the garden? Did you enjoy your NASCAR?

Diane I know you are going into surgery tomorrow on your shoulder and I wish you nothing but the best....I think I told you that when I was working for the ortho years ago, his patients would say their arm works better than the one that did not have the surgery! Yeah you will hopefully be all mended soon!!! Saying prayers for you that things go safely and that you are up to speed soon!

Linda I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well post op. Sleeping and everything is only going to get better. The first few days home is quite an adjustment sometimes and glad you got rid of the gas!

Hey Kim did you get your stuff all organized and get to enjoy your pool time??? I know I got to enjoy the pool for a while yesterday and that was nice!

Chris R...was great to see you posting....I know you can find a balance in your life and get your skinny butt to the boards here and there!

Well as the weekend drew to a close, I am pleased to say that we did not get rain. I was really worried about it because Cat City took a big hit in last weeks storm. I was able to get out and catch some rays yesterday inbetween painting. Then I came in and spent the rest of the day and evening watching 3 movies. I just did not want to move as early in the morning I took the dogs for a nearly 3 mile brisk walk and then I exercised. I know you are thinking well she has back and siatica problems, but honestly I do it to keep myself as limber as possible because it is when I do not move much that it is worse. I am paying for it right now laying and watching TV too....vicious circle.

BTW thank you all for the compliments on the painting....still a little more to do on it when I look at in a different light...but that is okay...I do not do too much touch up because then I really start nitpicking at it. I also started another painting yesterday....yep I am just on a roll here!

So all of you have a wonderful day. I heard on the news last night that the weather is set to really heat up again. We are going to be in the mid 100 teens this week and at least dry! Remember to drink tha****er and have a super great day gang!!!


PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Darrol H.
on 7/27/08 10:14 pm - La Canada, CA
Good morning Cali crew.

Just checking in. life has a way of keeping one busy.  Work and school are keeping me tied to the desk. First class grade is in...."A" 99 units to go for my BS degree.

Have a great day all be good to yourselves...YOU deserve it!


"Through commonality we share....through diversity we grow"     Copyright © W.Darrol Houser Jr. 2005 
The mind is like a works best when open!

Jeni H.
on 7/27/08 10:22 pm
Good Morning Janine and Cali Friends!
Monday, Monday.......Only thing I am looking forward to today is calling the doc to see what information she has for me.  Please!  Please!  Let it be something Good!!!  Oh yea, and then it is my mother's 81st birthday today!!!  Maybe I will see what she is doing for dinner since Dennis will most likely be working late tonite.  Mondays are very busy for both of us!
Janine I know what you mean about husbands and us ladies trying to change ourselves....The first time I had my permanent makeup done he was away on a 3 day golf trip, I didn't tell him I was having any thing done..  He liked it when he got home...but he says "you know honey,  I love you just the way you are!"  I did not want him to see my eyes swollen, although it only looks like you just had a good cry...  He can't take it if he thinks I am hurting...
So this time I just went in for a touch-up since I referred a gal at work I got my brows done free and just had to pay for the liner so it worked out great! 
Well gang, I  hope you all have a good day!  Gotta get it in gear!!!
Terry & Lisa I wish you the best today!!!! 

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 7/27/08 10:31 pm
Hi, Janine and Cali crew--

Just my quick 2 cents on the Starbucks Protein smoothies-- I checked them out before surgery.  According to the website, the Chocolate Banana one has about half as many carbs as the Mango one, and most of that is from the whole banana they add.  So I decided to try it without the banana, which would leave only about 5 carbs.  My daughter tried the mango one.  Neither of us were impressed with the taste--a step above "Yuck,"  but nowhere near "Yum"   !

I'm feeling much better.  My lung capacity is almost back to normal.  ("Clottia" had cut it in half.) Still hoping to be released today.

Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes, Cali!

Julia (AKA angelsecho) 

Jodi W
on 7/27/08 10:36 pm - SIMI VALLEY, CA
Janine and all the Cali Crew    

Nascar is always great. The racing thing had been in the blood for more years hen I would like to admit. LoL My guy didn't win but I still love to watch it anyway. Now when the season is over that's the hard part. You feel lost and don't know what to do.

As far as the pictures of the garden, well it looks more like a nursery. I have kinda went over board for it to be a garden, to many flowers for the back yard and it is so crowed. LOL... But I hope to downloading  some of the pictures soon for you to see   Now I did grow roots from a potatoe in first grade. LOL

 This is my first attempt at growing any kind of bulbs what so ever and well really anything other then Roses. 

At one time I had a front yard that was encircled with  35 rose bushes,  when you walked out of the house or up to the house, it smelled wonderful.

All the other flowers that I have planted that are not roses has been a really great expierence and a lot of fun to watch grow.

Hubby is wonderful that's for sure. Yesterday while I was outside planting the roses that he brought me he was out side measuring the back yard. I asked him what he was up to and he just kind of smiled. Then I found him in the living room with his lap top using his auto cad and making up plans to put in a deck for the back yard where all my flowers sit. I have always wanted a deck in the back yard. He thinks it would look nice to have the deck and put all of my plants and flowers on it., Well we shall see what happens. 

I hope it doesn't get to hot out there today for you. All I know is anything over 65 or 70 is to hot for me anymore. I am looking forward to the colder weather provided we have any. I don't think it should hurt the nursery of plants and flowers in my back yard.    I really over did it out there. Oh well it keeps me busy and off the couch and off the streets... oh wait I don't go on the street.

Take care and like you say stay hydrated. Thanks for the shout out this morning  

Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

on 7/27/08 11:04 pm - El Cajon, CA

Morning Jainine & Everyone,
Monday means sending more resumes out. Hoping for phone calls from places I interviewed last week, using the websites to find more places to send resumes and trying hard to stay sane, lol. So lets see I can organize your art area, clean Beckys house, lol. Actually I am thinking of cleaning down my walls with some TSP so I can tell if they really need repainted. Oh ya and I am waiting on my carpet cleaner guy to call back. OYE they are dirty. The lady before me put in really light cheap carpet, pain in the arse to try to keep clean. I need to win the lottery so I can put in all new flooring. I had money to do the linoleum, but then lost job and had to pull from that savings. UGH!!! Things WILL get better!!!
Oh well off to search the job websites, ect.

Hope everyone has a good day and week. Be good to yourselves and other!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

Marathon Diva
on 7/27/08 11:08 pm - CA
Good Morning Janine & The Beautiful Cali Crew

Gotta back to before its time to get the lil one to preschool.

Have a Marvelous Monday everyone!!

 "Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me


on 7/28/08 12:19 am
Your wall that has the darker color on it I like very much, like a spicy burnt orange look. I hope to get my painting done soon so I can start putting things where they belong. The patio and garage are so full of my stuff.....I need to de-clutter and freecycle lots of stuff......
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Janine J.
on 7/28/08 12:30 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Duh I am such a tard Darlene LOL...the wall the wall....well it is a very deep apricot color...I love is only one wall in this room, the other walls are deep olive and a deep berry color...I know odd colors and when I picked them out...Jeff was like scratching his head....but they work really well together based on my knowledge of color theory..hehehehehhehe. I did the floor a deep brown and burnt gold...they are cement is a cool room...but I need Nikki to take care of my explosion LOL

Hope you have a great day! Bounce 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

vicki M.
on 7/28/08 12:47 am - NAS Lemoore, CA
Morning Sunshine!

I have had a GREAT way of waking up this morning,  and while I can't go quite into too many has to do with Mike and our daughters oral surgery.  So~ let your imagination run wild with that.  I refuse to write it out just in case something falls through!

I hope that everyone has a FANTASTIC day!  I am hoping that the momentum of receiving such great news will keep things going well here.  Stay cool California!

Big hugs to all!

p.s. When all you gals are done with Nikki, could you send her HERE too?  LOL

Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

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