New Protein Juice type Drink have you tried it?
I just found these protien whey stuff you add to water from Costco. It looks like a good thing? Has anyone tried this 15 gr of Protein per thing. they cost like $22.00 I got them shipped with tax and everything for $32.54 and it is for 20 servings. Flavors sound delicious to me Peach Mango and Fruit Punch. I like the fact that you add it to your water. That sounds great to me. and at 15 grams that could really help. Calories are 80 though I don't know if that is high or not. So you would count this for your protein and for your water is that right? I hate protein shakes, so if this tastes anygood, they have my business. If anyone has any comments or thought please share.
Peach Mango
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: One (1) Single Sleeve (21 g)
Servings Per Container: 10
Amount Per Serving - % Daily Value:*
Calories 80, Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0 g - 0%, Total Carbohydrates 4 g - 1%, Dietary Fiber < 1 g - 2%, Sugars 1 g - **, Protein 15 g - 30%, Potassium 100 mg - 3%, Stevia Leaf Extract 150 mg - **, Fungal Amylase 11.4 mg - **, Acid Protease 9 mg - **, Fungal Protease 6.8 mg - **, Lactase 6.8 mg - **.
Fruit Punch
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: One (1) Single Sleeve (21 g)
Servings Per Container: 10
Amount Per Serving - % Daily Value:*
Calories 80, Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0 g - 0%, Total Carbohydrates 5 g - 2%, Dietary Fiber < 1 g - 3%, Sugars 1 g - **, Protein 15 g - 30%, Potassium 100 mg - 3%, Stevia Leaf Extract 150 mg - **, Fungal Amylase 11.4 mg - **, Acid Protease 9 mg - **, Fungal Protease 6.8 mg - **, Lactase 6.8 mg - **.
Peach Mango
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: One (1) Single Sleeve (21 g)
Servings Per Container: 10
Amount Per Serving - % Daily Value:*
Calories 80, Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0 g - 0%, Total Carbohydrates 4 g - 1%, Dietary Fiber < 1 g - 2%, Sugars 1 g - **, Protein 15 g - 30%, Potassium 100 mg - 3%, Stevia Leaf Extract 150 mg - **, Fungal Amylase 11.4 mg - **, Acid Protease 9 mg - **, Fungal Protease 6.8 mg - **, Lactase 6.8 mg - **.
Fruit Punch
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: One (1) Single Sleeve (21 g)
Servings Per Container: 10
Amount Per Serving - % Daily Value:*
Calories 80, Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0 g - 0%, Total Carbohydrates 5 g - 2%, Dietary Fiber < 1 g - 3%, Sugars 1 g - **, Protein 15 g - 30%, Potassium 100 mg - 3%, Stevia Leaf Extract 150 mg - **, Fungal Amylase 11.4 mg - **, Acid Protease 9 mg - **, Fungal Protease 6.8 mg - **, Lactase 6.8 mg - **.

From what I could see it is Whey protein. Why do you think 80 calories is a lot. I am new here and about to have surgery. I know that we are to take in 60-90 gr protein a day, but I am so confused as to how many calories a day etc. Currently I am on the liquid diet prior to surgery so I am having 3 protein shakes a day at apx. 140-160 calories each. All low fat and only 1 gram of sugar. I am told after surgery I am to have 90 grams of protein daily. After 2-4 weeks soft diet and then normal food, with restrictions. Nothing fried nothing over 5 g sugar. High protein. But I would be more comfortable if they made it easy, like 90 grams protein XX amount carbs max. Xxxxx amount of calories per day. Does anyone out there know? Maybe I should call my nutritionist and ask? Thanks so much Rhonda
How do you tell which is which? Can you tell if this product is an isolate or a concentrate. I went ahead and ordered it so maybe I will be able to tell when I get it? Liz can you tell me why an isolate is better than a concentrate? I am sorry to sound stupid, but honestly this is all so new to me. I so hate the taste of these protein shakes, I am at the point I will try anything. thanks so much for your help, I am so getting and education on these boards
Rhonda, Read the label. I am almost 4 years out and there are several that I really do like. Do you have a vitamin shoppe near you? The nectars by syntrax are whey isolate. They have one I like it is strawbrry or strawberry kiwi and I mix it with crystal light lemonade. It tastes a bit like strawberry lemonade.
Rhonda - The Weider quick2sip protein singles are whey isolate. FYI, each gram of protein has 4 calories. So, a supplement with 15g of protein has to have a minimum of 60 calories. I'd say 80 calories is not bad, if you like it. Let me know how it tastes, okay? I am doing the pre op shakes and am getting a kittle sick of the few brands I have. d2k