Met my surgeon today!!!!
Well I had my surgeon consult with Dr. Hahn in Fremont today. I really like him. I need to lose 20 more pounds before they will schedule my psych. and ekg ( I have already lost 8 since my orientation meeting 3 weeks ago), and then I will be put on the waiting list for a surgery date. Although it seems like alot to accomplish and several months away it is finally starting to feel like this may really happen for me. Does anyone have any advice to get through all of the waiting? I can't wait to be on the losers bench.
Congrats on the beginning of your journey
The best advice I can give for this stage is to use your excitement and energy reading books on WLS and on some form of exercise. I also feel it is important to spend some of this time putting down your goals & dreams in words. Going over my list of things I wanted to do when I lost enough weight to be physically able was a great help for me. Not only in the waiting time, but in the months since my surgery as well.
Best wishes!
Cathy C.

Best wishes!
Cathy C.
Thank you Cathy! I read your profile and it really inspired me. I started an excersize program about 4 weeks ago at my local gym. I take a class called Zumba 5 nights a week. it is a mix of latin dance and hip hop. I love it and I get a really good workout. It burns an average of 700 calories an hour. I have also started toning with light weights and of course abs. Who knew excersize could be fun?

Welcome and congrats on getting to meet your surgeon and losing 8lbs so far. I know you can stay focused to get that 20 more is like having the prize dangled in your face right now.....but stay focused and your dreams will come true.

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Congratulations. I know the waiting was the worse part. However believe it when people say will be here before you know it. I must have read everything I could get my hands and eyes on, while I was waiting. Not just on the procedure but life afterwards. This is a great forum. I learned alot from lurking around here for quite a bit also. Best of luck to you on your journey.